Can you fix breast asymmetry?

Key takeaways

  • Breast asymmetry refers to when one breast is visibly different in shape or size from the other. It can cause self-consciousness and discomfort.
  • The main ways to correct breast asymmetry are through breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, or a combination of any of these procedures. The chosen procedure depends on the type and severity of the asymmetry.
  • At Politis Plastic Surgery, they help women feel more comfortable and confident by fixing severe and modest breast asymmetry, using a combination of procedures to achieve optimal results. They recommend speaking with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon to determine the best course of action for the individual.

You’ve noticed it. Your breasts aren’t similar in shape or size. One is bigger than the other. And you don’t like it. In fact, you are increasingly self-conscious and uncomfortable about it.

Well the truth is no two breasts can match perfectly. There are usually slight differences in size and shape, with one breast often being marginally larger than the other. Fortunately, the difference is usually small enough to overlook.

But when the asymmetry is more severe, embarrassing you, or making you self-conscious, you may need to undergo a procedure to correct the visibly uneven breasts. At Politis Plastic Surgery, we help women feel more comfortable and confident by fixing severe and modest breast asymmetry.

How is breast asymmetry corrected ?

Asymmetry is corrected through breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, or a combination of any of these procedures. The choice of procedure depends on the type and severity of the asymmetry.

Though the chosen procedure may be performed on only one breast, this is quite rare and done with more subtle degrees of asymmetry. In most cases, both breasts require surgery, particularly to address the amount of skin and location of the nipples.

(a) Breast augmentation

When one of your breasts is visibly smaller than the other, a surgeon will often recommend augmenting the smaller breast using saline or silicone implants.

During the procedure, the surgeon may opt to place breast implants in one or both breasts, depending on the severity of the asymmetry and your desired results.  It is common to have the breast implant placed in the smaller breast to increase its size.

(b) Breast lift

For breast asymmetry that occurs as excessive sagging on one breast, a breast lift (mastopexy) may be the best option. Your surgeon will remove the sagging and excess skin from one breast and tighten it to give it a more symmetric shape and to support a firmer contour complimenting the other breast.  The breast lift procedure is completed through several incision techniques but the choice of technique depends on your specific body.

(c) Breast reduction

When you desire to match your larger breast to your smaller one, your plastic surgeon may recommend breast reduction surgery. Excess breast tissue, skin, and fat are removed from the larger breast via excision or liposuction to reduce it to the size of the smaller breast, creating a contour closer in shape and size to the other breast. Breast reduction usually includes a breast lift, so the procedure may be done on both breasts even if there is only reduction on one side.

(d) Blending of procedures

Simply inserting implants under sagging skin may not give the lift you desire. And placing implants without removing excess, stretched skin may only result in larger, sagging breasts.

Likewise, when only a size boost is needed, in addition to firmer breasts, a breast lift alone may give disappointing results. A breast lift tends to work well for breasts that are fairly even in size and only unevenly shaped but often fails if the breasts are widely different in size.

So in many cases if your breast asymmetry is due to shrinkage, wide variation in size or massive difference in shape, your plastic surgeon will opt for a combination of breast lift, reduction, and augmentation to achieve optimal results. In fact, a breast lift combined with breast augmentation can work beautifully together to correct sagging, increase breast size, and yield shapelier, fuller breasts.

Are you unhappy with your asymmetric breasts? Would you like to fix the asymmetry but aren’t sure about the right procedure? Contact Politis Plastic Surgery today to speak with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who fixes breast asymmetry on a regular basis.

Dr. Effie Politis will give you candid honest recommendations on whether a breast lift, breast augmentation, or a combination of procedures will give you the best results for breast asymmetry. She will also customize the procedure to meet your unique aesthetic goals ensuring you consider different looks and options before you make a decision. For more information on fixing breast asymmetry and other cosmetic issues, visit the site “Politis Plastic Surgery”.


Working with Dr. Effie Politis

I love Dr. Politis, I think she’s amazing, I think she truly cares about her patients and wants to do the right thing and the best thing for them, and sometimes the answer to that is that we don’t do surgery on you. We’re not out to take money it’s not, you know, we want to survive but we’re not going to take somebody’s money if we don’t think we can provide them with the outcome that they’re looking for or if we don’t feel like that’s the safest thing for them medically. I always tell people she’s a mom who happens to be a surgeon because I do feel like she puts her family, you know, as a high level of importance in her life. And I respect her for that as part of why I enjoy working with her because I’ve worked with physicians in the past that maybe didn’t put their family first and I think that we all should put our families first that’s what family’s for. I love working with her I feel like we understand each other there’s mutual respect she is comfortable with what I tell her and i’m very comfortable with the responses I get back from her so I feel like we, you know, work really well in that respect

Rapid Recovery Zoom Neck Lift: Achieving the Ultimate Neck and Jawline Contour

Key takeaways

  • With aging, skin loses elastin and collagen levels which can cause skin laxity, wrinkles, fine lines and loss of a defined jawline. These changes can be due to environmental factors such as pollution and UV radiation, as well as structural changes in the neck and loss of ligamentous support.
  • The Zoom Neck lift is a minimally invasive option to restore a more youthful appearance of the neck and jawline. It typically involves micro liposuction, FaceTite RF tightening, MyEllevate light guided suture suspension system and Morpheus 8 to retexture and tighten the skin.
  • The procedure is done under light sedation and results in rapid recovery and a refreshed look. It is customized to each patient and Dr. Effie Politis will evaluate the patient’s jaw and neckline to determine if they are a candidate for the Zoom Neck lift.

The Science Behind Skin Aging

With aging we see a loss of elastin and collagen levels affecting skin quality and structure. Our face, neck, and decollete often demonstrate changes associated with aging including skin laxity, wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of a defined jawline. Some of these factors are due to structural changes in the neck and loss of ligamentous support. Other factors are due to environmental exposure to pollution, sun, and UV radiation as well as broad band light. Because of the increased use of video associated with increased remote and virtual demands due to the pandemic, there has been an increased awareness of face and neck aging. Patients are desiring minimally invasive approaches to restoring neck and jawline contours as well as skin quality to help boost confidence and make them feel refreshed. People are in search of a slimmer, more sculpted, and defined neck and jawline they can feel great about showing off in virtual meetings as well as in person.

There is now a combination of minimally invasive techniques that can address both the neck and jawline in tandem to restore a more youthful appearance. 

Our practice is excited to be one of the few to offer the incisionless option to restore the neck and jawline: The Zoom Neck lift. This is a customized approach per patient but results in rapid recovery and a refreshed look. It involves a comprehensive exam to evaluate one’s jaw and neckline including evaluation of the ligaments, glands, fat compartments, skin quality, and structural support to the neck. If the patient meets criteria for the zoom neck lift they will be able to have an incisionless approach to recontouring the jawline and neck under light sedation in the office. This typically involves three modalities: micro liposuction of the jawline and neck, FaceTite RF tightening of the jawline and neck, MyEllevate™ light guided suture suspension system to tighten neck structures and define the jawline, and finally Morpheus 8 to retexture and tighten the skin as well as improve skin quality. We have found that these procedures performed in tandem at one setting restore a youthful neck without large incisions and without the downtime associated with a traditional neck lift.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, Dr. Effie Politis will customize each treatment plan to achieve your unique goals. She will never recommend any procedures that will not help you realize the exact results you are looking for.

Here is what to expect throughout the process. 

Pre-procedure Consultation

It is important to get an accurate evaluation of the neck and jawline. This includes a history (review of previous injectables, skin care regimen, weight loss/gain, smoking history, etc) as well as a physical exam to evaluate neck laxity, skin quality, sagging or drooping of any glands or ligamentous structures of the neck and also evaluation of platysmal banding. Photos will be obtained and placed in a HIPAA approved program as part of your medical records. Dr. Politis then discusses a skin care regimen to enhance skin quality as this will ultimately provide long lasting results. It is essential patients optimize their skin envelope with medical grade skin care as well as photoprotection (SPF) to maintain long lasting results. The patients are then provided with a customized beauty plan that includes line item treatment options. This may include injectables (toxin, fillers, regenerative materials such as PRF or Renuva), closed vs mini-incision facelift, energy based modality to achieve tightening, neck/jawline/submental liposuction, and MyEllevate™ suture suspension lift. If the patient decides to proceed, our clinical coordinator will discuss dates as well as review preparation for the procedure. Consent for the procedure including pre-procedure and post-procedure instructions will be reviewed with the patient.

Day of the Procedure

The patient will be brought into the office the morning of the procedure after having a light breakfast 60-90 minutes prior. We will obtain standardized  photos and the patient will be given an oral electrolyte drink as well as an antibiotic, anti-nausea medication, and a light oral sedative. The patient will change into a soft and comfortable gown. The patient will be monitored with a pulse oximeter and a blood pressure cuff during the procedure. Next, any injectable treatment is performed in our procedure room with the patient sitting upright. This typically includes toxin to relax lateral platysmal bands, and possibly filler or Renuva if needed to various areas of the face (centrally/midface, vs temples, vs peri-orally). 

The patient then has standard markings performed to delineate jawline and submentum as well as any central platysmal bands. The central bands are lysed with the suture suspension system at this time after injecting them with local anesthesia.

The patient is then transferred to our procedure room and laid comfortably on a procedure chair.  The patient’s face, neck and chest are prepped and draped.  At this time, more local anesthesia is infiltrated through the main access points which are just behind the soft lobe of the ear and in the submental area.  At this time the jawline and neck are tumesced with a warmed solution consisting mainly of normal saline as well as lidocaine and epinephrine.  This solution ensures comfort and also aids in smooth, painless  lipo-contouring of the jaw and neckline.  Next, a gentle spatulated cannula is used to separate the skin from the underlying deeper structures including the platysmal muscle and glands.  After adequate separation, micro liposuction cannulas are then used to contour and slim the neck and jawline.  Liposuction can also be applied to the upper jaw/lower face or cheeks if facial slimming is desired. 


Once adequate separation and liposuction is performed for slimming and contouring, the radiofrequency bipolar device (FaceTite) is applied to tighten the ligamentous structures and also contour the skin along the bony jawline as well as promote collagen and elastin remodeling. The Facetite device uses radiofrequency energy that is temperature controlled between two probes. The energy delivered can vary depending on the goal (further fat reduction, skin tightening, etc)and the patient’s skin thickness and texture.  The heat from the radio frequency waves will cause your skin to contract and any excess fat that is attached to your skin will liquify. As a result, new collagen and elastin growth will be stimulated in the deep layers of your skin to help with overall rejuvenation. The spatulated microlipusction cannulas are then re-inserted in order to gently remove oils and any excess fat liquified with the facetite probe.


The lower face and neck are then cleansed in preparation for the MyEllevate™ light guided suture suspension system. 

The MyEllevate™ procedure is an additional option to re-support the structures of the neck.  It uses tiny incisions (1mm) to mold and shape the structures underneath your skin. While the FaceTite directly impacts the fat and ligaments attached to your skin, the MyEllevate™ procedure uses a light guided suture system (ICLED) to place a support system around the platysma muscle and glands under the skin. The central platysmal bands are lysed initially and the skin is separated from the underlying structures as explained above. The suture re-suspends the glands/muscles/ and ligaments of the central neck and also elevates the structures to better define and strengthen the jawline. This can be combined with a mini-facelift for a more dramatic result and is called the MyEllevate™ Plus. 


Once the liposuction, Factite, and MyEllevate™ suture suspension system are engaged and completed, Morpheus8 is applied to the lower face/jawline, and neck for transdermal fractionated bulk heating to ultimately shrink wrap the skin envelope over the slimmed neck and jawline. Morpheus8 is a device that combines microneedling with radiofrequency technology for fractional resurfacing that stimulates collagen production. By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, the building blocks will reorganize themselves in a natural anti-aging process. There is little to no damage to the dermis and this procedure provides an extremely uniform effect. Morpheus8 microneedling treatments go above and beyond to help your skin rebuild itself from the inside. This fractional heating aids in skin’s clarity and texture within a few days of your treatment, with the full effect becoming apparent in about three to six weeks.  When used in combination with facetite, there is bulk remodeling from both vectors of the skin (epidermal and subdermal) which optimizes contraction and contouring.


The patient’s face and neck are cleaned and the patient is placed in a soft head dressing consisting of gauze, fluffs, and a compression bandage. This is removed in 24 hours and a C collar applied. Specific instructions are provided both in written and verbal format. The patients take tylenol or ibuprofen for any post procedure discomfort. No heavy lifting or exercising for 3 weeks. We recommend head elevation for 48 hours (sleep with head on two pillows or in a recliner for the first 24-48 hours). This is a rapid recovery protocol with minimal social downtime of only 72 hours.



Traditional Neck Lift

My Ellevate

Zoom Neck Lift


MyEllevate Plus

Facility Operating Room or Surgical Suite In Office In Office In Office In Office
Anesthesia General or IV Sedation Local anesthesia, +/- nitrous oxide Local anesthesia, +/- nitrous oxide Oral sedation with local anesthesia Oral sedation with local anesthesia
Instruments Surgical instruments, scalpel, suture, scissors MyEllevate suture suspension system, micro liposuction equipment FaceTite Platform Micro-liposuction equipment with MyEllevate system and Facetite platform Facetite platform, surgical scissors, scalpel and suspension sutures
Incisions Typically around ear into posterior hairline No incisions No incisions No incisions Short scar facelift that follows the anterior ear contours and extends just around earlobe
Candidates Moderate to sever signs of aging with significant loose skin, loss of skin integrity and drooping of glands, ligaments, and fat pads Loss of jawline contour and drooping of skin and deeper structures in submentum or central neck, Central platysmal banding Early signs of aging with due to collagen/elastin loss, minimal skin sagging, and and in need of facial jaw and neck contouring More progressive asigns of aging with drooping of deeper neck structures, poor skin quality, loss of neck angles and contours Same as zoom neck lift but also significant lower facial and mid facial aging associated with deep jowls and nasolabial folds
Procedure Length 4-6 hours 1-1.5 hours 1-1.5 hours 2-3 hours 3-4 hours
Recovery Time 2 weeks 24 hours 24 hours 24-72 hours 3-5 days
Call for more information!
Traditional Neck Lift
Zoom Neck Lift
MyEllevate Plus
Operating Room, or surgical suite level 2 anesthesia
Office Based
Office Based
Office Based
Office Based
General or IV sedation
Local anesthesia, +/- nitrous oxide
Local anesthesia, +/-nitrous oxide
Oral sedation with local anesthesia
Oral sedation with local anesthesia
Surgical instruments, scalpel, suture, scissors
MyEllevate suture suspension system, micro liposuction equipment
FaceTite Platform
Micro-liposuction equipment with MyEllevate system and Facetite platform
See zoom neck lift + surgical scissors, scalpel, suspension sutures
Typically around ear into posterior hairline
No incisions
No incisions
No incisions
Short scar facelift that follows the anterior ear contours and extends just around earlobe
Moderate to severe signs of aging with significant loose skin, loss of skin integrity and structural loss including drooping of glands, ligaments, and fat pads
Loss of jawline contour and drooping of skin and deeper structures in submentum or central neck. Central plastysmal banding
Early signs of aging with due to collagen/elastin loss, minimal skin sagging, and in need of facial jaw and neck contouring
More progressive signs of aging with drooping of deeper neck structures, poor skin quality, loss of neck angles and contours
Same as zoom neck lift but also significant lower facial and mid facial aging associated with deep jowls and nasolabial folds
Procedure Length
4-6 hours
1-1.5 hour
1-1.5 hour
2-3 hours
3-4 hours
Recovery Time
2 weeks downtime
24 hours
24 hours
24 -72 hours
3-5 days downtime
Basic Science
During the procedure, the deeper layers of your face are lifted by using an undermining technique. This separates the overlying skin of the face and neck from your muscles and deep skin tissue. Sutures are used to tighten and restore position of deeper ligaments while also lifting the fat pads. Excess skin is trimmed. This typically addresses lower face and midface and neck.
The MyEllevate™ procedure is another one-step option used for the neck. It uses tiny incisions to model and shape the structures underneath your skin. While the FaceTite directly impacts the fat attached to your skin, the MyEllevate™ procedure uses a light guided suture system (ICLED) to place a support system around the platysma muscle and glands under the skin.
Tightens facial skin using radio frequency (RF) waves. The heat from the radio frequency waves will cause your skin to contract and any excess fat that is attached to your skin will liquify. As a result, new collagen growth will be stimulated in the deep layers of your skin.
The Zoom neck lift combines MyEllevate with Facetite to get benefits from both.
The MyEllevate Plus addresses midfacial aging to reposition ligaments, tighten skin, and recontour jawline, midface, and jowls for those with loose skin. It combines all modalities and the open incisional technique with a short traditional facelift scar.

Are Fillers Good for Your Face?

Key takeaways

  • Dermal fillers are a popular option for restoring volume to the face and addressing concerns such as deep under-eye circles, thin lips, and wrinkles.
  • There are several types of dermal fillers available, including those made from hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, poly-L-lactic acid and polymethylmethacrylate, each with their own unique properties and effects.
  • To achieve the best results, it is important to consult with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who can help determine the best type of filler for a patient’s specific needs.

Are you thinking of ways to make your face look and feel younger? There are many ways to achieve this, but dermal fillers are an excellent option. 

Dermal fillers are soft, gel-like substances injected beneath the skin to restore volume to the face. Dermal fillers can plump thin lips, soften facial wrinkles and creases, improve shallow contours, minimize the shadows of the lower lids, and boost the appearance of recessed scars.

Are fillers good for the face?

The answer is yes. When correctly employed, fillers are effective in addressing various concerns. For instance, fillers can help smooth deep under-eye circles, increase the volume of the lips, lift the cheekbones, smooth nasolabial folds, and relieve lip lines.

Most dermal fillers are made of natural substances already in the body, so the risks of adverse reactions are limited. When injected, they will feel natural under the skin.

Upon injection, the fillers give subtle and natural-looking results. Your face will not be dramatically changed if done with discretion and skill and you will not entirely look like a different person before treatment. Most people won’t even detect what you’ve done; they will only notice a refreshing and rejuvenated look on you.

The results from dermal fillers last long. In most cases, you will retain a youthful and gorgeous face for at least one year. Of course, you may need a quick touch-up appointment in 4-6 months following your initial appointment. It is in your best interest to maintain your filler results by scheduling your appointment before your fillers metabolize completely.

What are the major types of fillers?

  1. Hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers

These are soft and gel-like dermal fillers designed to work like the natural Hyaluronic Acid found in the skin. HA fillers help maintain plumpness and hydration and produce results that last 6-12 months or longer. The fillers are usually infused with lidocaine to reduce pain and discomfort with treatment.

  1. Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) dermal fillers

Like hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite is a natural substance found in the body, specifically in the bones. It has no adverse effects when injected. The CaHA fillers have calcium particles suspended in a smooth gel and last roughly 12 months after injection. They work by stimulating collagen production and are effective for deeper wrinkles and lines.

  1. Poly-L-lactic Acid fillers

Poly-L-Lactic acid is a safe, biodegradable synthetic substance. After injection, it stimulates collagen production, helping to smooth fine lines and allowing the skin to rebuild natural collagen.

The synthetic filler is effective in treating deep facial wrinkles, producing results that last more than two years. It is different from other fillers because it causes a gradual effect—the increase in volume occurs over several months as the filler stimulates the body to produce collagen.

  1. Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is another safe synthetic substance that produces remarkable results. Once injected, it forms a tiny ball that remains below the skin to provide continued support. 

Fillers with PMMA stimulate collagen production ensures enhanced structure and firmness in the face. 

PMMA fillers are semi-permanent and more durable than other more readily biodegradable fillers. But they have potential complications like forming lumps and being visible under the skin.

Achieving success with dermal fillers

Each type of filler has its pros and cons. To choose the right dermal filler for your face, you need the guidance of an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who understands facial anatomy and is familiar with a variety of available fillers and their injection techniques.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we help our patients choose and apply the correct fillers to achieve their cosmetic goals. 

To ensure the best possible outcome, Dr. Effie Politis will thoroughly evaluate your specific areas of concern, understand your goals, and review your expectations before, during, and after the procedure. She will also explain the fillers’ possible side effects and risks before the procedure. 

With proper preparation and communication between you and your plastic surgeon, you will definitely achieve natural, beautiful, and safer results.
