What to Expect at Your Plastic Surgery Consultation

Key Takeaways:

  1. A consultation before plastic surgery is essential for assessing the patient’s health and suitability for the procedure as well as discussing goals and expectations.
  2. The surgeon should be transparent about the risks and benefits of the procedure and work with the patient to create realistic goals and expectations.
  3. Politis Plastic Surgery offers a range of reconstructive and plastic surgery options with a focus on safety and achieving natural-looking results.

In this video, Jamie Hill of Politis Plastic Surgery emphasizes the importance of a consultation before deciding to have plastic surgery. The consultation provides an opportunity to have a conversation about the patient’s goals and expectations, as well as to assess whether those goals are realistic and safe for the patient’s body. The surgeon will also review the patient’s health history and medications, as well as any previous procedures, to ensure that the patient is a good candidate for the proposed surgery.

During the consultation, the surgeon will take photographs of the patient and use them for procedure planning. This allows the surgeon to show the patient where the incision will be made and to provide visual examples of the expected result based on similar procedures done on other patients.

The importance of a consultation cannot be overstated when it comes to plastic surgery. Patients must understand the risks associated with any surgical procedure, and they must have realistic expectations for the outcome. It is also crucial to ensure that the patient is physically healthy enough to undergo surgery and that the procedure is appropriate for their body type.

Another important aspect of the consultation is discussing the various options available for achieving the patient’s goals. Plastic surgery is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and there are many different procedures and techniques available to achieve different results. The surgeon should take the time to explain these options and help the patient choose the best course of action based on their goals, body type, and medical history.

Ultimately, the consultation is a collaborative process between the patient and the surgeon. It is important for the patient to ask questions, voice any concerns, and be honest about their goals and expectations. The surgeon should be transparent about the risks and benefits of the procedure, and should work with the patient to ensure that their expectations are realistic and achievable.

In conclusion, a consultation is an essential step in the plastic surgery process. It allows the patient and surgeon to have a thorough discussion about the goals and expectations of the surgery, as well as to assess the patient’s physical health and suitability for the procedure. By taking the time to discuss all available options and create a personalized treatment plan, the surgeon can ensure that the patient achieves the best possible results with minimal risk. Patients should feel comfortable asking questions and expressing their concerns during the consultation, and should work with their surgeon to create realistic goals and expectations for the procedure.

Politis Plastic Surgery, located in Tampa, FL, offers a range of reconstructive and plastic surgery options for patients seeking to enhance their appearance or address medical concerns. Led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Effie Politis, the team at Politis Plastic Surgery is dedicated to providing exceptional care and personalized treatment plans for each patient. With a focus on safety and achieving natural-looking results, Politis Plastic Surgery utilizes the latest surgical techniques and technology to ensure the best possible outcome for every patient. Contact Politis Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards a happier, more confident you.


Consultations are absolutely recommended and needed before you decide to have surgery. When you come in and consult with us, it gives us the opportunity to really have a conversation with what you are looking for, goals and expectations, you know, is it realistic, is it something we can do for you, is it safe for your body, will it fit your body habitus. So we take that opportunity to

look at your health history, what kind of medications are you on, what procedures have

you had done in the past, and then, you know, what are you looking to do and we can kind of

meld those things together and make sure what your best options are to make that happen. We

use that opportunity to take photographs, we use that to do procedure planning so that we can

really draw on that photograph and show you this is where your incision would be, we can show you pictures of people who have had similar procedures so that you can really have an idea of what your expectation of a result would be.


Unveiling the Advantages of Breast Augmentation

Key Takeaways:

  1. Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that can improve self-image, symmetry, and feelings of empowerment.
  2. While there are risks associated with the procedure, it has been found to be generally safe.
  3. There are three types of implants available and the cost of the procedure may vary depending on a number of factors.

Unveiling the Advantages of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure that enhances the size, shape, and symmetry of breasts. It is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States with more than 300,000 procedures performed in 2018 alone according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. By increasing the size and shape of the breasts, patients can obtain a variety of physical and psychological benefits. This article will discuss the benefits of breast augmentation, the risks and complications associated with the procedure, and the types of implants available.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Improved Self-Image

One of the most important benefits of breast augmentation is improved self-image. Many patients who undergo this procedure feel more comfortable in their own body, making them more confident in their day-to-day lives. Self-esteem increases tremendously, leading to an overall better quality of life.

Symmetry and Balance

Breast augmentation can also be used to achieve better symmetry and balance in the breasts. Many women have asymmetrical breasts, often due to breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, or genetics. Breast augmentation can help to create a more even look in the breasts, leading to a more balanced appearance.

Feelings of Empowerment

In addition to improved self-image and better symmetry, many breast augmentation patients also feel a sense of empowerment. With improved self-image and a better body image, women feel more positive and in control of their lives.

Risks and Complications of Breast Augmentation

While breast augmentation can bring many positive benefits, it is important to understand that the procedure also has its risks and potential side effects. The most common complications include implant complications, lifestyle changes, and surgical risks.

Implant Complications

The most common implant complications include capsular contracture, leakage, and rupture. Capsular contracture is the most common complication in which scar tissue forms around the implant, causing it to harden and the breast tissue to become firm. Another potential complication is implant leakage and rupture, which can happen if the implant is damaged. In this case, the implant may need to be removed and replaced.

Lifestyle Changes

It is important to note that lifestyle changes may need to be made after breast augmentation in order to ensure long-term implant success. Patients may need to avoid activities that involve a lot of bouncing, like running or jumping. In addition, patients should avoid smoking and taking hot showers that could potentially affect the implants.

Types of Breast Implants

There are three types of breast implants available, saline implants, silicone implants, and “gummy bear” implants. Saline implants are filled with saltwater and can be filled to different sizes depending on the patient’s desired size. Silicone implants are filled with a thick, medical-grade silicone and are firmer than saline implants. Gummy bear implants are the newest kind of implant and are made out of a thicker type of silicone gel that resembles a gummy bear.

Breast Augmentation Cost

The cost of breast augmentation can vary depending on a number of factors including the type of implant, the complexity of the procedure, the geographic location, and the surgeon’s experience. Additionally, many plastic surgery clinics offer financing options to help make the procedure more accessible.


Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that can be used to enhance the size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts. It has a variety of benefits, including improved self-image, symmetry, and feelings of empowerment. While there are risks and complications associated with the procedure, many women find it to be a safe and beneficial option. There are a few different types of implants available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The cost of the procedure can vary, but many surgeons offer financing options to make it more accessible.

Experience nationally recognized cosmetic surgery results with Politis Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL headed by Dr. Effie Politis. Known for their experience and expertise, Politis Plastic Surgery offers a variety of cosmetic services, including breast augmentation and other body contouring procedures. With their team of qualified and experienced specialists, Politis Plastic Surgery is an ideal choice when considering plastic surgery. Contact them today to schedule a consultation and start the journey to achieving your aesthetic goals.


Exploring Your Breast Augmentation Surgery Options

Key Takeaways:

  1. Breast augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure used to increase the size and improve the shape of a women’s breasts. Different surgical options include saline and silicone implants, autologous fat transfer, and breast lift procedures.
  2. It is important to find a qualified and experienced surgeon, as well as to have a discussion with the surgeon about the options for breast implants, and to get a physical examination prior to the surgery.
  3. Recovery following breast augmentation can vary, depending on the type of implant and procedure used. Patients should follow any aftercare guidelines given by the surgeon closely.

Exploring Your Breast Augmentation Surgery Options

The decision to undergo breast augmentation is a very important one. Breast augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure used to increase the size and improve the shape of a woman’s breasts. This can be done through the placement of saline or silicone implants, or through autologous fat transfer. In some cases, a breast lift can also be performed, in order to further improve the appearance of the breasts. Before deciding on a surgical option, the potential benefits and risks of the procedure should be discussed with a qualified plastic surgeon.

Types of Breast Augmentation Surgery

When considering breast augmentation, there are several options for surgical placement of implant materials. The procedure involves making an incision in the breast in order to place the implant material, and then closing the incision with sutures.

Saline Implants

Saline implants are filled with a saltwater solution. They are made of a silicone outer shell, and are filled with sterilized saline after they are placed.

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants are made of a silicone shell, and are filled with a silicone gel that can vary in cohesiveness. They are often preferred to saline implants, because they feel more natural.

Autologous Fat Transfer

During an autologous fat transfer procedure, fat is taken from an area of the body, typically the abdomen or thighs, and then transferred to the breasts. This procedure can be used to increase the fullness and projection of the breasts, as well as to improve their shape and symmetry.

Breast Lift

A breast lift is a surgical procedure to address Ptosis, or sagging of the breasts, and is often done in combination with breast augmentation in order to further enhance the appearance of the breasts.

Pre-Surgery Considerations

Before undergoing breast augmentation, there are a few important things to consider. First, it is important to find a qualified and experienced surgeon. This means finding a surgeon who has extensive experience in performing breast augmentation procedures, and who has a good track record of successful outcomes. Additionally, it is important to have a discussion with the surgeon about the options for breast implants, and to get a physical examination prior to the surgery.


The actual procedure for breast augmentation is relatively straightforward. Generally, the patient will undergo anesthesia and the surgeon will make an incision in the breast area in order to place the implant. The implant will then be placed in the proper location, and the incision will be closed with sutures. In some cases, a breast lift may also be performed in order to address any sagging of the breasts.


Recovery following breast augmentation can vary, depending on the type of implant and procedure used. Generally, the patient will be advised to limit physical activity for a few weeks, and to wear a special bra or compression garment to support the treated area. Additionally, any aftercare guidelines given by the surgeon should be followed closely. Generally, a follow-up visit can be expected within a few weeks of the procedure in order to assess the healing process and any potential complications.


Exploring your breast augmentation surgery options is an important step in the decision making process. There are several options available, ranging from saline and silicone implants to autologous fat transfer and breast lift procedures. It is important to discuss the benefits and risks of each procedure with a qualified surgeon, and to find one that has extensive experience with breast augmentation surgery.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, a plastic surgery clinic in Tampa, FL headed by Dr. Effie Politis, we specialize in breast augmentation and body contouring procedures. Our team of board certified plastic surgeons understands the importance of providing a safe and supportive environment in order to help you make an informed decision about your breast augmentation surgery. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to schedule a consultation.


New Innovations in Breast Augmentation Procedures

Key takeaways:

  1. Speak to a board-certified plastic surgeon before deciding to undergo any type of breast augmentation surgery
  2. Research the different types of procedures available, as well as their associated risks and benefits;
  3. Follow the post-surgery instructions and check in with your surgeon regularly to ensure a successful recovery.

New Innovations in Breast Augmentation Procedures

The decision to undergo a breast augmentation surgery is one that should be well researched and thoroughly discussed with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure in which the size and/or shape of a woman’s breasts are surgically altered to improve the appearance of her bust line. This can be done through fat transfer, tissue expansion, or implants. With new advancements in technology, there have been some exciting new developments in the various breast augmentation procedures. This article will provide an overview of the different types of breast augmentation procedures and important considerations for post-surgery recovery.

Types of Breast Augmentation

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is a type of breast augmentation which involves the transfer of fat cells from one area of the body to the breast area. This can help to restore volume and create a natural look and feel. The benefits of fat transfer is that it is generally considered a safer option than implants because the body is not exposed to any foreign objects. Additionally, the risk of complications such as infection and capsular contracture is much lower. However, the downside of fat transfer is that the results are not as long-lasting compared to the other options.

Tissue Expansion

Tissue expansion is another type of breast augmentation which involves the use of saline or silicone implants. With tissue expansion, saline or silicone implants are inserted between the breast and chest wall. The implants then stretch the skin and over time, the tissue of the breasts will expand to accommodate the implants. This gives a larger, fuller look. The benefits of tissue expansion is that the results tend to be more long-lasting than fat transfer and the risks are generally lower than with the other options.


Another type of breast augmentation is implants. This is the most commonly used method and involves the insertion of silicone or saline inserts into the breasts. The implants are designed to mimic the natural shape and size of a woman’s breasts. The main benefit of implants is that the results are more immediate compared to the other options. Additionally, the shape and size can be more closely controlled as well. The downside, however, is that there is a higher risk of complications that comes with the surgery.

Post-Surgery Recovery

Once the breast augmentation procedure is completed, it is important to follow the post-surgery instructions provided by the plastic surgeon. Depending on the type of procedure, the recovery timeline and follow-up care may vary. Generally, the recovery period is between one to three weeks. During this time, the patient should avoid certain activities such as lifting, pushing, or pulling and should follow the prescribed medications as directed. Additionally, post-op appointments are required to monitor the patient’s recovery and ensure that the implants are settling and healing properly.


Breast augmentation can improve the appearance of a woman’s bust line and provide a more balanced figure. There are a few different procedures available, each with their own benefits and risks. It is important that patients take the time to research the different options and discuss their concerns and goals with a board-certified plastic surgeon. A skilled plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Effie Politis of Politis Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL, can help patients make an informed decision and guide them through the post-op recovery process.

Politis Plastic Surgery is a premier plastic surgery clinic in Tampa, FL headed by Dr. Effie Politis. The clinic offers a wide range of cosmetic surgery procedures and provides personalized care to each of their patients. With her extensive training and experience, Dr. Politis is committed to helping her clients achieve natural-looking results and the highest level of satisfaction. To learn more about the services offered at Politis Plastic Surgery, be sure to visit the clinic’s website or call for a free consultation today.


Standard BBL vs Nonsurgical Mini BBL

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a popular cosmetic procedure that increases the fullness, roundness, and projection of the buttocks, creating superb feminine curves. 
  2. It can be done with a Standard Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) which is a fat transfer procedure or with a Non-surgical Mini BBL which is a more subtle, non-invasive procedure. 
  3. Politis Plastic Surgery offers personalized BBL that is tailored to the individual and can be done either with surgery or non-surgically with injectable dermal fillers.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a popular cosmetic procedure that increases the fullness, roundness, and projection of the buttocks, creating superb feminine curves. It silhouettes the hips to a perfectly feminine shape and makes the buttocks perkier and more attractive.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we offer personalized BBL to help you achieve your desired butt size and shape, feel more comfortable in your clothing, and more confident in your appearance. And we do so with the least discomfort, minimal recovery time, and maximum results.

The benefits of getting a butt lift include:

  1. It is a perfect remedy for flat, sagging, or uneven butt.
  2. It creates superb curves.
  3. It delivers a more youthful and attractive look.
  4. It produces a more balanced, proportionate look.
  5. It reduces fat in other body areas when liposuction is part of the procedure.

Standard BBL vs. Non-Surgical Mini BBL

There are two broad options for enhancing the buttocks through the Brazilian Butt Lift: Standard Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and non-surgical mini Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL).

With the standard BBL, you undergo a simple, minimally-invasive surgery that involves fat transfer to augment the buttocks and achieve results that last years or even decades. But with the non-surgical mini BBL, you go through a more subtle, non-invasive procedure.

So how do the two options compare?

  1. Standard Brazilian Butt Lift

A Standard Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a fat transfer procedure where fat harvested by liposuction from an area of the body with excess fat is processed for purity then injected into the butt. It is an alternative to implant-based butt augmentation, which increases butt size using silicone implants.

Standard BBL uses fat from the love handles, waist, back, hips, or thighs. Once harvested, the fat is centrifuged and filtered to separate it from blood and other non-fat materials. The processed fat cells are kept in syringes and then carefully injected at various levels into the buttocks.

Like with other fat transfer procedures, not all the injected fat cells survive. But the ones that survive produce a permanent result, creating a rounder, more voluptuous bottom. Plus, it has the added advantage of making the area where fat is obtained slimmer, tighter, and well-toned.

There will be some pain and recovery time involved after a standard BBL. Even so, the pain is easily managed using pain medication. As for the recovery time, you’ll need at least 10-14 days off work. Adequate recovery time is critical for lasting results. Follow the simple instructions your plastic surgeon will give you regarding what to do and what to avoid after the procedure.

Results of the standard BBL are apparent as soon as swelling, bruising, and soreness are gone. But it usually takes 3-6 months for the full results to set in and be fully visible. And if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, your buttocks will remain as shapely as ever for at least 10 years.

  1. Non-surgical Mini Brazilian Butt Lift

Non-surgical Brazilian Butt Lift is a cosmetic treatment that enhances buttock shape and size through injectable dermal fillers. It is a subtle lift that does not create more dramatic changes, but it can produce a more rounded, lifted, attractive butt.

In performing non-surgical butt enhancement, there are several safe and effective options.

Some of the most common options are:

  1. Sculptra

This dermal filler is one of the most effective in creating immediate, striking, and long-term results. The FDA-approved, injectable poly-L-lactic acid filler works by stimulating natural collagen production deep within skin layers, resulting in plump and firm buttocks.

A non-surgical mini BBL with Sculptra is completed as an outpatient procedure that takes one hour or less to perform. However, you may need several appointments to achieve your desired butt size. Once the treatments are completed, the results last up to 3 years.

  1. SculpSure

SculpSure is a proprietary device used to remove volume from areas you don’t want it to be, which in turn maximizes volume in areas you want it to be. The non-invasive body contouring butt lift procedure is done in a series of 25-minute treatments with results evident after 6-12 weeks.

  1. Radiesse

The use of Radiesse dermal filler is a rapid and effective sculpting procedure that reduces cellulite while increasing butt volume. It is performed in treatments spaced out every 4 weeks. Results are seen after the first 2 treatments and are long-lasting, seen for up to 5 years. As opposed to SculpSure, it does not reduce fatty deposits.

  1. Renuva and EZGEL

Renuva and EZGEL non-surgical mini BBL blends two different dermal fillers to achieve desired curvier buttocks. Both Renuva and EZGEL contain crucial growth factors that restore lost butt volume and enhance skin quality.

EZGEL is made by obtaining and spinning your own blood. Renuva is a product that contains collagen, growth factors, and proteins found in body fat. When the two are combined, they work together to create a more voluminous bottom while improving skin texture and tone.

  1. Vacuum therapy

Vacuum therapy is the suctioning of skin and fat from the buttocks in order to achieve desired volume and shape. The therapy involves the use of suctioning and ultrasound waves to break down fatty deposits, increase blood flow, and stimulate elastin and collagen production. The result is a firmer, rounder butt with less cellulite.

Standard BBL vs. Non-surgical Mini BBL: Which one is right for you?

None of the options suits everyone. While a standard BBL may be ideal for one person, non-surgical mini BBL may be perfect for another person.

For example, a standard Brazilian Butt Lift is ideal if you have a significant amount of sagging that needs surgery to remove the excess loose skin. It is also appropriate if you are looking for more dramatic results, want a significant increase in buttock size, or want results that last more than 5 years.

In contrast, non-surgical mini BBL is right for you if you don’t want to undergo surgery or if you don’t have sufficient fat required for a standard BBL.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we treat you as a unique individual. So before you make the decision regarding the type of BBL to undergo, we encourage you to come for an in-person consultation.

During the consultation session, Dr. Effie Politis will explain the options and help you make the choice depending on the degree to which you want to enhance your buttocks. She has a reputation for excellence, unmatched surgical skills, and remarkable warmth, compassion, and dedication.

If you’re ready to enhance your buttocks and want treatment that will produce the results you expect, whether by standard BBL or non-surgical BBL, book your consultation today.

For more information on Brazilian butt lift, visit the site “Politis Plastic Surgery.”


The Difference Between Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery

Key Takeaways:

  1. Cosmetic surgery is an elective choice, while reconstructive surgery is medically necessary.
  2. Reconstructive surgery is often focused on restoring function or appearance, such as for breast cancer patients after a mastectomy.
  3. It is important to consider the costs and potential risks associated with cosmetic surgeries, as these are not usually covered by insurance.

This video features Jamie Hill, Practice Coordinator/Manager of Politis Plastic Surgery, who provides an explanation of the difference between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Jaime states that cosmetic surgery is an elective procedure that individuals opt for to enhance their aesthetics, such as breast augmentation or liposuction. These procedures are typically not covered by insurance and require payment in cash. On the other hand, reconstructive surgery is meant to treat medical conditions, birth defects, burns, or injuries, and it is usually covered by insurance as it is medically necessary. In their practice, breast reconstruction for breast cancer patients is a predominant reconstructive procedure.

Jaime Hill’s explanation is crucial in understanding the significant differences between the two types of plastic surgeries. Cosmetic surgery is a choice, a luxury, while reconstructive surgery is often a necessity. Cosmetic surgery is meant to enhance one’s appearance, while reconstructive surgery is meant to restore function or appearance, such as after a disease or injury.

Plastic surgery has become increasingly popular, and it is critical to understand the differences between the types of surgeries. Jaime Hill’s explanation helps to clear the confusion and misconception about the two surgeries. Jaime Hill’s distinction between the two types of plastic surgery highlights the essential nature of reconstructive surgery and its importance in restoring people’s lives.

It is important to note that while cosmetic surgeries are an elective choice, they also have their benefits. Cosmetic surgery can improve an individual’s self-esteem, enhance their self-image, and boost their confidence. Individuals may choose to undergo cosmetic surgery to help them feel better about themselves, and there is nothing wrong with this. However, it is important to consider the costs and potential risks associated with cosmetic surgeries, as these are not covered by insurance.

Reconstructive surgery, as highlighted by Jaime, is primarily focused on restoring function or appearance. One of the critical examples of reconstructive surgery is breast reconstruction, which is often performed for breast cancer patients who have undergone a mastectomy. This procedure not only restores the physical appearance of the breast, but it also helps patients regain their confidence and sense of femininity. Other examples of reconstructive surgery include repairing cleft lips, restoring damaged tissue after an injury, or reconstructing parts of the body after a disease.

In conclusion, plastic surgery plays an important role in society, and understanding the differences between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery is essential. While cosmetic surgery is a luxury, reconstructive surgery is often a medical necessity. Jaime Hill’s explanation helps to clarify the difference between the two types of plastic surgery, and how they can have a positive impact on individuals’ lives. It is important to consider the costs and potential risks associated with cosmetic surgeries, while reconstructive surgery can restore function, confidence, and appearance to patients who have suffered from diseases, birth defects, or injuries. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide whether they want to undergo plastic surgery, and it is essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to make an informed decision.


My name is Jamie Hill and I’m with Politis Plastic Surgery.

A lot of people wonder what the difference is between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

We provide both at this practice.

The difference in cosmetic and reconstruction is cosmetic is usually an elective procedure

that you choose to have done to enhance your aesthetics.

Maybe you want to be just the best version of you that you can be and maybe that means

you have larger breasts or a flatter stomach.

So those are cosmetic surgeries.

Typically those are not covered by insurance.

Those are cash pay procedures versus reconstructive surgery is used to treat usually a disease

process or a birth defect or something, a burn, something that insurance is going to

cover because we’re fixing, you know, something medically indicated for you.

In our practice, the bulk of what we do when it comes to reconstruction is breast reconstruction

because of breast cancer.


What Does a MOXI Laser Treatment Do?

Key Takeaways: 

  1. MOXI Laser is a non-ablative laser treatment suitable for all skin tones, providing tonal and textural improvements with minimal pain and recovery time. 
  2. Preparations for MOXI Laser include scheduling a consultation, eating a healthy diet, avoiding smoking, increasing physical activity, and wearing broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen post-treatment. 
  3. At Politis Plastic Surgery, Dr. Effie Politis offers safe, effective MOXI Laser treatments with natural-looking results.

Are you looking for a safe, efficient way to blast away unpleasant wrinkles, dark spots, freckles, or fine lines from your face? Would you like to restore a brighter, rejuvenated, youthful-looking skin complexion? Or do you have a darker skin tone and want a quick, painless alternative to peels or bleaching creams? If so, the MOXI Laser is a worthy option for you.

What is a MOXI Laser?

 MOXI Laser is a non-ablative laser treatment that delivers fractionated laser energy to the skin. Upon contact with the skin, the laser energy creates micro-coagulation zones on the top layer of the skin. Through the micro-injuries, the pigmented areas are pulled out and the skin’s natural repair process sets in to produce a smoother, rejuvenated appearance. The laser energy goes beyond the skin surface through thousands of tiny, deep channels, stimulating collagen production while speeding up cell turnover. In turn, the pigmented cells are damaged, removed, and replaced with new ones, resulting in tonal and textural improvements.

MOXI is an entry-level laser treatment characterized by low-intensity, short-lived application of laser energy. Due to the less intense laser energy used, it is great for all skin tones, including those with tones as dark as a 4, 5, or 6 on the Fitzpatrick scale. It also requires a significantly shorter time to heal when compared to ablative laser.

What are the benefits of a MOXI Laser treatment?

  1. It produces a brighter, smoother, more rejuvenated skin appearance.
  2. It is suitable for all skin types—not causing scarring and pigmentation on those with deeper skin tones.
  3. It does not require much preparation—hence ideal for even those with a busy lifestyle.
  4. It is fairly painless from start to finish.
  5. It is a safer, more effective alternative to peels and bleaching creams for those with deeper skin pigmentation.
  6. It is effective for lightening melasma—a skin darkening condition that often occurs due to hormone changes, such as pregnancy.
  7. It is a quick-recovery procedure that is gentle enough to allow resumption of daily routine soon after treatment.

What does it feel like to get a MOXI Laser treatment? 

MOXI Laser is a quick, easy, and almost painless treatment. Before the laser is applied, your plastic surgeon administers a numbing cream. The cream sets in for 30 minutes and helps to reduce pain during application of laser. With the skin now numb, laser energy is applied to targeted areas using a handheld laser machine. The laser is first passed to areas with the most pigment, such as the cheeks, before less pigmented areas are treated. The intensity of the laser energy used depends on your skin tone, pain tolerance, and concerns. The whole treatment takes 1-2 hours and usually involves applying a cool cloth on the treated areas of the skin in between the laser passes to lower the skin temperature. The skin will be a little warm and sensitive by the end of treatment, but it will not be excessively red.

How do you prepare for a MOXI Laser treatment? 

MOXI Laser treatment requires no major preparations. And it is a simple procedure with minimal physical demands. However, before the procedure, you need to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon to assess whether the treatment would help you achieve your cosmetic goals. You should also eat a healthy diet, avoid smoking, increase your physical activity, and drink plenty of water. Plus, you need to prepare in terms of bearing the cost—a MOXI laser treatment may cost $625 per session. And while you’ll see positive results after one session, your plastic surgeon may recommend up to 3 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart for best results, especially if you have extreme pigmentation. On the day of the treatment, make sure to show up with a makeup-free face.

How is the post-treatment recovery for MOXI Laser? 

With MOXI laser, you go home immediately after treatment. But the delicate skin must be protected soon after treatment. So right away, make sure to wear a physical sunscreen with broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection and to use an SPF of 30 and above. Your skin will feel a little rough and sore the first 48 hours after MOXI laser application. Scabs may also form within the first 3 days, though they will fall off the skin by day 5. To protect the treated area, avoid harsh ingredients like sulfates and acids. Instead, apply repairing serums with growth factors. Serum application will help heal the wounds and repair the skin faster. You can follow the serum with a gentle moisturizer to soothe the skin. But always make sure to wear SPF 30 and above in the morning, and to reapply it throughout the day. By day 6, you can start incorporating gentle retinol and acids back into your skin care routine. It will take 4-6 weeks to see the full results of the laser treatment—that is how long it takes for skin cell turnover.

Sparkly, revitalized skin with MOXI laser

Are you new to lasers and want to begin with a mild treatment? Or would you like to brighten your face, lighten melasma, or boost your skin’s collagen levels? At Politis Plastic Surgery, we offer MOXI Laser Treatment to help you achieve a smoother, rejuvenated skin within a month. We comfortably administer non-ablative laser energy to reduce pore size, correct initial signs of photo damage, and reduce pigmentation.

You can trust Dr. Effie Politis to deliver safe, effective MOXI Laser treatment. She is exceptionally competent, professional, candid, and friendly. And you’ll love her expert eye and the natural-looking results she’ll deliver.

For more information on MOXI Laser and other surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments, visit the site “Politis Plastic Surgery.”


What is Forever Young BBL?

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Forever Young BBL is a non-surgical, laser therapy that can be used to address signs of skin aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, and pigmentation issues like age spots and melasma. 
  2. The laser energy penetrates deep into the skin, stimulating the body to naturally regenerate healthy, new skin. 
  3. It is a fast, easy, and natural treatment with no needles or knives that delivers immediate and long-lasting results, with no downtime required.”

As your skin changes with age, it becomes thinner, loses fat, and becomes dry, rough, and itchy. It also loses elastin and collagen, becomes slack, and hangs loosely. Plus, it becomes more fragile, easily bruised, and prone to skin lesions, age spots, wrinkles, and fine lines.

Are you struggling with signs of aging skin and would like to restore a clearer, smoother skin complexion in a natural, non-surgical way?

If so, then Forever Young BBL is a perfect option for you.

What is Forever Young BBL?

It is an innovative, non-surgical rejuvenation procedure that uses the Sciton Joule BroadBand Light (BBL) System to deliver laser therapy. The laser energy penetrates deep into the skin surface, where it changes the expression of genes linked to aging and stimulates the body to naturally regenerate healthy, new skin.

Forever Young BroadBand Light (BBL) has the double benefit of stimulating the skin’s ability to reverse existing damage and to prevent occurrence of new damage. The procedure can be used to revive skin of the face, chest, neck, arms, back of the hands, and other parts of the body. It addresses some of the most common patient skin concerns, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines.

How does Forever Young BBL work?

Forever Young BroadBand Light (BBL) produces and directs mild light energy to the upper layers of the skin. The laser energy is absorbed by skin cells, which are in turn stimulated to produce new collagen and elastin fibers.

With more collagen and elastin being produced, the natural beauty of the skin is restored, making the skin appear naturally toned, even, and smooth, glowing, and rejuvenated.

Also, the photo-thermal energy eliminates fine blood vessels responsible for redness, and reduces excess melanin that causes pigmentation changes and discoloration.

During the procedure, your eyes are protected with special glasses or shields. Then, laser energy from the machine is directed to the treated areas of the face. You’ll feel some warmth or a slight burning sensation as the light is absorbed by the skin. The procedure takes 30-45 minutes, depending on the treatment area. Local anesthesia is not necessary, but anesthetic cream may need to be applied on the more sensitive areas.

What are the benefits of Forever Young BBL?

  1. It is a fast, easy, non-invasive procedure that uses the power of light to penetrate layers of the skin and destroy damaged or unwanted cells—no needles or knives.
  2. It gives immediate and dramatic results that last 10 years or longer.
  3. It is a natural, chemical-free treatment that stimulates the skin to protect and heal itself without drugs and chemicals.
  4. It triggers production of elastin and collagen, which restore skin structure, strength, and resilience, and brings back natural plumpness and tightness.
  5. It stimulates skin cell renewal, which in turn rejuvenates the skin, brightens tone, shrinks pores, and smoothes out wrinkles.
  6. It eradicates pigmentation problems by targeting and heating the source to the point of destruction, removing age spots, dark patches, rosy cheeks, freckles, redness, broken blood vessels, and melasma.
  7. It rids the skin of acne by neutralizing bacteria, clearing out pores, and controlling oil production.
  8. It permanently eliminates unwanted hair by destroying the follicles under the skin.
  9. It requires no anesthesia and has no downtime—only mild redness and dark spots may occur, which clear within a couple of days.
  10. It is an excellent preventive therapy that delays the signs of aging.

What can you expect after your Forever Young BBL treatment?

After treatment, you leave your doctor’s office with a mild red, flushed appearance, which goes away within a few hours. In the case of a highly pigmented skin, the treated pigmented areas may appear darker, but will brighten, fade, and flake off within 1-2 weeks.

You should be able to return to work, apply makeup, and resume your routine immediately after the procedure. Also, because your skin will be more sensitive to ultraviolet light, avoid direct exposure to the sun until the skin heals. Use sunscreen whenever you are outdoors.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we have a full line of treatments to help you achieve a more youthful appearance. We offer the Forever Young BroadBand Laser (BBL) treatment to address several facial concerns at once and deliver significant age-defying results and a clearer, more even complexion.

Working At Politis Plastic Surgery: Jaime Hill, RN

Jaime Hill works at Politis Plastic Surgery, she has always had an interest in healthcare and went to a medical High School, she got her CNA at 16 then went on to study nursing in college. She worked in labor and delivery for 17 years before deciding to change to a less stressful environment and found her way to plastic surgery. Coincidentally, her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer during this time, she was able to use her knowledge and skills to guide her sister through the process of dealing with breast cancer and breast reconstruction at Politis Plastic Surgery.

Video Transcription:

My name is Jaime Hill and I am with Politis Plastic Surgery. I have always been interested in healthcare, and I attended a medical high school. I became a CNA at 16 and then went on to study nursing in college, earning my bachelor’s degree. My first son was born in a traumatic birth experience, which led me to focus on labor and delivery for 17 years. During that time, I also earned my master’s degree in nursing. However, I decided I needed a change and a less stressful environment. I found my way to plastic surgery and it coincided with my sister’s diagnosis of breast cancer. I was able to use my knowledge and skills to guide her through the process of dealing with breast cancer and breast reconstruction, which is something we do at Politis Plastic Surgery.

Introducing Dermapose

Micro fat transfer is a skin rejuvenation procedure that involves harvesting fat from elsewhere in the body and injecting it into the face to plump out lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. It uses a micro-injection technique to obtain and inject tiny droplets of fat with the utmost precision to restore volume in areas where it has been lost. The process is focused on injecting both fat cells and regenerative cells to affected areas of the face, and it can be performed almost anywhere on the body to restore collagen production and volume.

The main advantages of micro fat transfer are that it produces remarkable results, eliminates fine lines and wrinkles, and creates a smoother face. It also gives permanent results that only diminish over many years with the natural aging process. However, it may have mild and temporary adverse effects, such as slight redness, tenderness, swelling, or tingling, and there is a risk of allergic reaction or immune rejection. 

Dermapose is a specific type of micro fat transfer procedure that uses a person’s own body fat to boost volume and appearance in areas with volume deficits, and it is effective for treating thinning lips, smoker’s lines around the lips, nasolabial folds, hollows under the eyes, and a lack of definition around the jawline. The treatment involves injecting fat into the desired areas of the face, and it takes about an hour to complete, with minimal downtime required afterwards. However, there may be mild swelling and bruising at the injection sites, and the results may take a few weeks to become fully visible.

On the day of treatment, your plastic surgeon will greet you, explain the process, and go over how the treatment will work. Then, you will be given local anesthesia to numb the areas where injections will be made, and you may also be given sedation to make the process as painless as possible. Using a syringe, your plastic surgeon will remove fat from a fat-rich area of your body, such as the tummy, love handles, or muffin tops. The extracted fat will be centrifuged and filtered to separate it from water and blood.

Then, the fat will be placed in multiple syringes and injected into the desired areas of the face for anti-aging benefits and a renewed appearance. As the fat is injected, drop by drop, the plastic surgeon will build it layer by layer to achieve a perfect plumpness. Dermapose treatment takes roughly one hour from start to finish, and you will be able to go home the same day. Apart from the small incision at the fat donor site, no other incisions are made.

There may be mild swelling and bruising at the injection sites, and the results may take a few weeks to become fully visible. However, these side effects should resolve within a few days. You should be able to resume your normal activities immediately after the procedure, although you may be advised to avoid strenuous activities for a few days.

Overall, micro fat transfer and Dermapose are effective and natural alternatives to plastic surgery for adding subtle volume and fullness to the soft tissues of the face. They offer a quick and minimally invasive treatment option for eliminating wrinkles and fine lines on the skin and producing a natural, long-lasting, youthful-looking appearance. If you are considering these treatments, it is important to speak with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if they are right for you and to discuss any potential risks or side effects. Your surgeon will be able to assess your individual needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results.

Call us today to discuss Dermapose and other surgical and non-surgical treatments with Dr. Effie Politis. For more information on our plastic surgery treatments, visit the site “Politis Plastic Surgery.”