Can Enhanced Recovery Protocols Reduce Pain After Breast Reconstruction


  1. Enhanced recovery protocols can significantly reduce pain and discomfort after breast reconstruction surgery.
  2. These protocols involve a multimodal approach, including anesthesia, nerve blocks, and supportive scaffolding for the implant.
  3. Dr. Effie Politis and her team at Politis Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL, are dedicated to providing the highest level of care for breast reconstruction patients, including long-term monitoring and support.


Breast reconstruction surgery is an essential procedure for many women who have undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy due to breast cancer. However, postoperative pain management is a significant concern for patients undergoing this surgery. Dr. Effie Politis, a plastic surgeon in Tampa, FL, has been using enhanced recovery protocols after surgery to help her patients recover with minimal pain and discomfort. In this article, we will explore how these protocols can benefit patients undergoing breast reconstruction surgery.

Enhanced Recovery Protocols in Breast Reconstruction

Enhanced recovery protocols involve a multimodal approach to pain management and recovery, including the use of anesthesia, nerve blocks, and supportive scaffolding for the implant. By working closely with anesthesiologists and breast surgeons, Dr. Politis is able to provide her patients with a comprehensive recovery plan that minimizes pain and maximizes comfort.

Short Hospital Stays and Minimal Pain Medication

Patients who undergo breast reconstruction surgery with enhanced recovery protocols typically stay in the hospital for only one night, and some may even go home the same day. Most patients require minimal pain medication, with many opting for over-the-counter pain relievers such as Advil and Tylenol. This is a testament to the effectiveness of the enhanced recovery protocols in managing postoperative pain.

Supportive Scaffolding for Long-Term Stability

Dr. Effie Politis uses advanced supportive scaffolding materials to ensure the long-term stability of the breast implant. These materials, which can be synthetic or organic, eventually disappear and are replaced by the patient’s own type 1 collagen. Fat grafting may also be used to address any palpable abnormalities, further improving the overall aesthetic result.

Long-Term Care and Monitoring

At Politis Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL, Dr. Effie Politis and her team are dedicated to providing long-term care and monitoring for their breast reconstruction patients. By following patients long-term, they can address any issues or changes that may arise due to factors such as weight gain, pregnancy, or aging.

Politis Plastic Surgery: Expert Care for Breast Reconstruction Patients

At Politis Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL, Dr. Effie Politis and her team are committed to providing the highest level of care for breast reconstruction patients. With a focus on personalized treatment plans and the use of enhanced recovery protocols, Politis Plastic Surgery ensures that every individual receives the best possible outcome in their breast reconstruction journey, with minimal pain and discomfort.


Hi, my name is Dr. Effie Politis with Politis Plastic Surgery.

So my patients have been recovering great, again using enhanced recovery protocols after


The first surgery is always the toughest.

They undergo the bilateral mastectomies, but because I work with the anesthesiologist and

I do my own blocks, the breast surgeons do blocks, it’s a multimodal approach.

They stay in the hospital typically one night or some of them go home.

This is all assessed prior and usually I only write for three pain pills and some of them

don’t take any of that.

They just are able to tolerate Advil and Tylenol, minimal nausea and vomiting and again the

pain is more of a soreness or working out pain, not excruciatingly painful.

Again we have great supportive scaffolding that can be placed to hold that implant in

place long term.

So these are synthetic materials, but they’re organic in the sense that they disappear and

are replaced by the patient’s own type 1 collagen.

We also can use cadaveric dermis.

We have options of fat grafting for any palpable abnormalities and I kind of go through this

with the patient at the initial consultation, but there are patients that we follow long


So we certainly readdress any issues and again they’re with us long term.

We offer the patient that service because as we know with implants, there certainly

are going to be changes in the patient’s body, perhaps weight gain, weight gain.

Some of these patients still have children, they’re in childbearing age, so we do like

to follow our patients long term.


Can Breast Augmentation Really Deliver the Results You’re Looking For?

Key Takeaways:

  1. Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that can provide aesthetic improvement, with potential boosts to both self-esteem and confidence. 
  2. It is important to understand the potential risks, costs, and alternatives associated with the surgery before making a final decision. 
  3. Making an informed decision is best done with the help of a qualified medical professional like Dr. Effie Politis at Politis Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL.

Can Breast Augmentation Really Deliver the Results You’re Looking For?

Getting ready to undergo breast augmentation surgery? Before you go under the knife, it’s important to have a complete understanding of the procedure and its potential effects, both physical and psychological. That’s why it’s important to assess both the pros and cons of getting this type of enhancement before making a final decision.


Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world, with millions of women choosing to go through with the procedure each year. The goal of the surgery is to increase the size, shape, and fullness of the breasts, providing a natural looking enhancement that can boost a woman’s self-confidence and sense of femininity. But can breast augmentation really deliver the results patients are looking for?

Effects of Breast Augmentation

There are a variety of options available for breast augmentation surgery. The type of implants used, the size chosen, and the method of placement will all contribute to the end result of the procedure. All of these decisions should be discussed with your surgeon to make sure that your specific needs and expectations are addressed.

The surgery itself is relatively straightforward and minimally invasive. Typically, the implants will be inserted through an incision made in either the armpit or the fold beneath the breast (depending on the placement option selected).

Like any surgery, there are some potential side effects from breast augmentation. These may include swelling, discomfort, and scarring. Generally, these side effects should subside over time with the help of a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Effie Politis, who can provide helpful advice for recovery.

Assessing the Pros & Cons

One of the main benefits of getting breast augmentation is the aesthetic improvement that it can provide. The procedure can result in improved volume and fullness of the breasts, giving them a natural-looking shape.

Women who undergo the surgery may also experience a boost in self-esteem and confidence, particularly when it comes to their femininity. The physical enhancement of the breasts can provide them with a sense of empowerment and can help them feel more comfortable in their own body.

When considering breast augmentation, it’s important to keep in mind the cost. The procedure can be quite expensive, and there may be additional costs involved in the recovery process. It’s important to do research and compare different surgeons and clinics in order to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.

Finally, it’s important to understand that there are potential risks and complications associated with the procedure. These can include infection, bleeding, numbness, and more. As with any major surgery, there may also be unanticipated complications that arise.

Making an Informed Decision

It’s important to get the opinion of a qualified medical professional before making the decision to go through with breast augmentation. A plastic surgeon like Dr. Politis can provide a consultation and give you helpful advice on the procedure, allowing you to make an informed decision that is best for you.

It’s also good to consider any alternatives to the surgery. There are non-surgical treatments that can provide some of the same benefits. Some women may find that one of these options is better suited to their needs, rather than undergoing a more invasive procedure.


Breast augmentation is a popular option for women who are looking to enhance the size, shape, and fullness of their breasts. The procedure can provide an aesthetic improvement and has the potential to boost self-esteem and confidence. However, there are some potential risks and costs associated with the surgery that need to be taken into consideration.

It’s important to have a full understanding of the procedure, as well as any alternatives, before making a final decision. That’s why it’s essential to seek advice from a qualified professional like Dr. Politis at Politis Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL. Here you will receive the best guidance to ensure the results you’re looking for. Politis Plastic Surgery offers a wide range of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic options to suit your individual needs. With their help, you can be certain that you’re making the best decision for yourself.


What Are the Different Options for Breast Reconstruction Surgery?


  1. Breast reconstruction surgery options include autologous reconstruction and implant-based reconstruction.
  2. Immediate reconstruction is offered to the majority of patients, with very few experiencing delays.
  3. Dr. Effie Politis specializes in breast reconstruction and tailors each procedure to her patients’ unique needs.


Breast reconstruction surgery is an essential procedure for many women who have undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy due to breast cancer. Dr. Effie Politis, a plastic surgeon in Tampa, FL, specializes in breast reconstruction and is dedicated to helping patients regain their confidence and sense of self. In this article, we will explore the different options for breast reconstruction surgery and discuss how Dr. Effie Politis tailors each procedure to her patients’ unique needs.

Patient Evaluation and Counseling

The first step in breast reconstruction surgery is a thorough evaluation and counseling of the patient. Dr. Effie Politis considers factors such as the patient’s medical history, hereditary predisposition to breast cancer, weight, lifestyle, and age. This information helps Dr. Politis and her team devise a patient-specific plan for breast reconstruction, ensuring the best possible outcome for each individual.

Immediate Reconstruction

Immediate reconstruction is offered to about 98% of Dr. Politis’ patients. This means that the reconstructive surgery takes place at the time of the mastectomy, with very few patients experiencing delays due to advancements in technology. By performing the reconstruction immediately, patients can begin their recovery with a sense of restored confidence and optimism.

Autologous Reconstruction

Autologous reconstruction is a technique that uses the patient’s own tissue, typically from the abdomen or back, to recreate the breast mound. This option can provide long-lasting results when performed on the appropriate candidate. However, it is essential for patients to understand that autologous reconstruction requires a considerable amount of downtime and may significantly impact their lifestyle during recovery.

Implant-Based Reconstruction

Implant-based reconstruction is the most common method used by Dr. Effie Politis, as it is suitable for a broader range of patients. In this procedure, an implant is used to recreate the breast mound, providing a natural and aesthetically pleasing result. Implant-based reconstruction is often preferred by patients due to its lower downtime and less invasive nature compared to autologous reconstruction.

Politis Plastic Surgery: Expert Care for Breast Reconstruction Patients

At Politis Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL, Dr. Effie Politis and her team are committed to providing the highest level of care for breast reconstruction patients. With a focus on personalized treatment plans and a thorough understanding of each patient’s unique needs, Politis Plastic Surgery ensures that every individual receives the best possible outcome in their breast reconstruction journey.


Hi, my name is Dr. Effie Politis with Politis Plastic Surgery.

Breast reconstruction is a large part of my practice here.

Again, it was a large part of my training.

I do enjoy being able to offer this service to breast patients.

So we are reestablishing form and in some degree function to an area that is lacking

because of surgical alteration.

So our patients are referred to a breast or oncologic surgeon.

I work with multiple breast surgeons in town.

They’re all fantastic.

Unfortunately we’re seeing a younger cohort of patients between the ages of 30 to 40.

And if you look at the national statistics, that is usually 7 to 10% of the patients nowadays,

which is higher than a decade ago.

Their tumor biologies are a little bit more advanced, but approaching a breast reconstructive

patient is a little bit different than a breast augmentation.

So we want to evaluate and counsel the patients on their various options.

This takes into account their history, any hereditary disposition to breast cancers or

tumor oncology, their weight, their lifestyle, their age.

Like I said, a lot of them are a little bit younger nowadays.

So we devise a patient specific plan for them.

What does this mean?

So I’m well adverse in doing autologous reconstruction versus implant based.

So what that means is I offer, first of all, I offer immediate reconstruction.

That means at the time of mastectomy to about 98% of my patients.

There are only a few, if any patients that are ever delayed nowadays because of the technology

that we have.

So that means they will come out with some sort of reconstructive plan immediately after

their mastectomies.

I work in conjunction with the surgeon.

What I offer is whether we use their own tissue, usually from the abdomen or back, or I use

an implant to recreate the breast mount.

I would say that most of my cases are implant based cases because the patient has to be

a very good candidate for autologous.

They also have to be willing to accept the tremendous amount of downtime it’s imposing

on their lifestyle, but studies have shown that if done in the correct patient, using

their own tissue can truly offer great long lasting results.


What Factors Influence the Process of Implant-Based Reconstruction Surgery for Breast Cancer Patients?


  1. Factors such as skin envelope, breast size, and body habitus influence the process of implant-based reconstruction surgery.
  2. A multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration with oncologists, breast surgeons, and radiologists is essential for achieving the best results.
  3. Proper support and sizing of the implant are crucial for creating a natural, aesthetically pleasing reconstructed breast.


Implant-based reconstruction surgery is a common option for breast cancer patients who have undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy. This procedure helps restore the appearance of the breast and can greatly improve patients’ self-esteem and confidence. Dr. Effie Politis, a plastic surgeon in Tampa, FL, explains the various factors that influence the process of implant-based reconstruction surgery and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to achieve the best possible results.

Evaluating Skin Envelope, Breast Size, and Body Habitus

The first step in the implant-based reconstruction process is to evaluate the patient’s skin envelope, breast size, and body habitus. These factors play a crucial role in determining the most suitable reconstruction technique and implant size for each patient. By taking these factors into consideration, the plastic surgeon can create a personalized treatment plan that addresses the patient’s unique needs and goals.

Working in a Multidisciplinary Approach

Dr. Effie Politis emphasizes the importance of working in a multidisciplinary approach when performing implant-based reconstruction surgery. This involves collaborating with other specialists such as oncologists, breast surgeons, and radiologists to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s condition and treatment needs. By working together, the team can develop a cohesive and effective plan for the patient’s breast reconstruction surgery.

Reconstructing Natural Anatomic Landmarks

Once the breast surgeon has removed the breast tissue, ligaments, and tail of the breast, it is the plastic surgeon’s responsibility to reconstruct the natural anatomic landmarks. Dr. Effie Politis explains that this involves creating a mound using an implant and a supportive scaffold or structure. This ensures that the reconstructed breast has the appropriate shape, size, and position.

Supporting and Sizing the Implant

The implant used in breast reconstruction surgery cannot be placed directly under the skin; it must be properly supported by re-establishing the lateral anatomy, folds, and cleavage area. Furthermore, it is essential to size the patient for the correct implant to be used during surgery. This ensures that the reconstructed breast is proportionate to the patient’s body and provides a natural, aesthetically pleasing result.

Politis Plastic Surgery: Expert Care for Breast Reconstruction Patients

If you are a breast cancer patient considering implant-based reconstruction surgery, trust the expertise and compassionate care of Dr. Effie Politis and her team at Politis Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL. With a multidisciplinary approach and personalized treatment plans, Politis Plastic Surgery is dedicated to helping patients achieve the best possible outcomes in their breast reconstruction journey.


Hi, my name is Dr. Effie Politis with Politis Plastic Surgery.

Implant-based reconstruction, again, applies to the majority of our patients. So what we do is we evaluate their skin envelope, their breast size, body habitus, and we formulate a plan in conjunction with our breast surgeon. We work in a multidisciplinary approach. That means we work with their oncologists, their breast surgeons, their imaging specialists or radiologists.

We make sure we understand whether the placement of the tumor and how we can place our incisions to remove the breast. The breast surgeon removes the breast, but when that happens, they obliterate or they basically remove all the ligaments, the breast tissue, all the ligaments, the tail of the breast.

So my job is to go in and reconstruct the natural anatomic landmarks and then reconstruct a mound. Again, I typically use an implant to make the mound with a scaffold or supportive structure. So you can’t just put an implant under skin. You have to, again, re-support all the lateral anatomy, the folds, the cleavage area, and then you have to size the patient for the correct implant to be used in surgery.


Uncovering the Secrets Behind Breast Augmentation Incisions

Key Takeaways:

  1. Breast augmentation incisions come with different advantages and disadvantages, and must be carefully considered.
  2. Plastic surgeons must understand what the patient’s desired results are in order to make an appropriate recommendation for the best incision.
  3. Board-certified plastic surgeons from Politis Plastic Surgery can assist patients in selecting the best incision and ensuring they receive safe, effective, and natural-looking results.

Breast augmentation is a type of plastic surgery performed to enhance the size and shape of one’s breasts. Generally, the procedure is utilized to improve self-image and self-confidence. During the procedure, a plastic surgeon will insert breast implants and choose where to make the incision. Breast augmentation incisions are typically made beneath the breast, around the areola, in the armpit, or through the navel. Although, different incisions may present different sets of advantages and disadvantages, they all may cause the same amount of pain and discomfort. Knowing the differences between each incision is important when determining the best option for surgical results.

Types of Incisions

Inframammary incision: An inframammary incision is made beneath the breast, usually along the crease of the inframammary fold. This type of incision is most commonly used for many different surgical procedures, as it gives the plastic surgeon great access. Additionally, scarring can be minimized and the incision can be placed in a camouflaged location.

Advantages: Can be easily hidden beneath the breast crease, can access the implant pocket with ease, and the effectiveness of the incision is quite high

Disadvantages: The risk of infection is increased due to how close the incision is to the breast tissue, and some patients may experience numbness in the breast for up to a year.

Periareolar incision: A periareolar incision is made around the nipple and is considered one of the most subtle breast augmentation incisions. This type of incision is common among patients that want a natural-looking result.

Advantages: One of the most minimally invasive incisions, scarring can be blended with the surrounding skin, and hides the implant well

Disadvantages: Positioning of the implant is limited, can cause disruption of the milk ducts, and leads to a greater risk of infection during the healing process.

Transaxillary incision: A transaxillary incision is made in the armpit, placing the implant behind the muscle via the armpit. This incision is good for avoiding visible scarring.

Advantages: It leaves virtually no scarring, as the incision will be concealed in the armpit, allows for very precise control of the implant placement, and is minimally invasive

Disadvantages: The chances for infection remain fairly high, there is an increased risk of capsular contracture, and the distance from the incision to the implant means it requires more skill from the surgeon.

Transumbilical (TUBA) incision: A transumbilical incision is made through the navel, using an endoscope to help with positioning of the implant.

Advantages: No scarring, because the incision is made through the navel, no cutting into the breast, and is minimally invasive

Disadvantages: Limited access, can be difficult to treat in case of implant deflation or rupture, and increased risk of infection due to the length of the incision.


Each of these incisions offer different advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to speak with a board-certified plastic surgeon to decide which one is best for you. During the consultation, a patient should outline the desired results, which will enable the plastic surgeon to make a recommendation for the best incision for their particular needs.

In conclusion, breast augmentation incisions come with different advantages and disadvantages, and it is necessary to inform yourself about their characteristics. This can be done through consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon, who should provide guidance when selecting the incision type.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, our skilled and experienced plastic surgeons understand the importance of selecting the right incision for your breast augmentation. Our team of experts is committed to providing our patients with the safest, most effective treatments and procedures, resulting in natural-looking and beautiful results. To get started on your journey towards a rejuvenated, confident you, contact us today.


What to Expect at Your Plastic Surgery Consultation

Key Takeaways:

  1. A consultation before plastic surgery is essential for assessing the patient’s health and suitability for the procedure as well as discussing goals and expectations.
  2. The surgeon should be transparent about the risks and benefits of the procedure and work with the patient to create realistic goals and expectations.
  3. Politis Plastic Surgery offers a range of reconstructive and plastic surgery options with a focus on safety and achieving natural-looking results.

In this video, Jamie Hill of Politis Plastic Surgery emphasizes the importance of a consultation before deciding to have plastic surgery. The consultation provides an opportunity to have a conversation about the patient’s goals and expectations, as well as to assess whether those goals are realistic and safe for the patient’s body. The surgeon will also review the patient’s health history and medications, as well as any previous procedures, to ensure that the patient is a good candidate for the proposed surgery.

During the consultation, the surgeon will take photographs of the patient and use them for procedure planning. This allows the surgeon to show the patient where the incision will be made and to provide visual examples of the expected result based on similar procedures done on other patients.

The importance of a consultation cannot be overstated when it comes to plastic surgery. Patients must understand the risks associated with any surgical procedure, and they must have realistic expectations for the outcome. It is also crucial to ensure that the patient is physically healthy enough to undergo surgery and that the procedure is appropriate for their body type.

Another important aspect of the consultation is discussing the various options available for achieving the patient’s goals. Plastic surgery is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and there are many different procedures and techniques available to achieve different results. The surgeon should take the time to explain these options and help the patient choose the best course of action based on their goals, body type, and medical history.

Ultimately, the consultation is a collaborative process between the patient and the surgeon. It is important for the patient to ask questions, voice any concerns, and be honest about their goals and expectations. The surgeon should be transparent about the risks and benefits of the procedure, and should work with the patient to ensure that their expectations are realistic and achievable.

In conclusion, a consultation is an essential step in the plastic surgery process. It allows the patient and surgeon to have a thorough discussion about the goals and expectations of the surgery, as well as to assess the patient’s physical health and suitability for the procedure. By taking the time to discuss all available options and create a personalized treatment plan, the surgeon can ensure that the patient achieves the best possible results with minimal risk. Patients should feel comfortable asking questions and expressing their concerns during the consultation, and should work with their surgeon to create realistic goals and expectations for the procedure.

Politis Plastic Surgery, located in Tampa, FL, offers a range of reconstructive and plastic surgery options for patients seeking to enhance their appearance or address medical concerns. Led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Effie Politis, the team at Politis Plastic Surgery is dedicated to providing exceptional care and personalized treatment plans for each patient. With a focus on safety and achieving natural-looking results, Politis Plastic Surgery utilizes the latest surgical techniques and technology to ensure the best possible outcome for every patient. Contact Politis Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards a happier, more confident you.


Consultations are absolutely recommended and needed before you decide to have surgery. When you come in and consult with us, it gives us the opportunity to really have a conversation with what you are looking for, goals and expectations, you know, is it realistic, is it something we can do for you, is it safe for your body, will it fit your body habitus. So we take that opportunity to

look at your health history, what kind of medications are you on, what procedures have

you had done in the past, and then, you know, what are you looking to do and we can kind of

meld those things together and make sure what your best options are to make that happen. We

use that opportunity to take photographs, we use that to do procedure planning so that we can

really draw on that photograph and show you this is where your incision would be, we can show you pictures of people who have had similar procedures so that you can really have an idea of what your expectation of a result would be.


Standard BBL vs Nonsurgical Mini BBL

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a popular cosmetic procedure that increases the fullness, roundness, and projection of the buttocks, creating superb feminine curves. 
  2. It can be done with a Standard Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) which is a fat transfer procedure or with a Non-surgical Mini BBL which is a more subtle, non-invasive procedure. 
  3. Politis Plastic Surgery offers personalized BBL that is tailored to the individual and can be done either with surgery or non-surgically with injectable dermal fillers.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a popular cosmetic procedure that increases the fullness, roundness, and projection of the buttocks, creating superb feminine curves. It silhouettes the hips to a perfectly feminine shape and makes the buttocks perkier and more attractive.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we offer personalized BBL to help you achieve your desired butt size and shape, feel more comfortable in your clothing, and more confident in your appearance. And we do so with the least discomfort, minimal recovery time, and maximum results.

The benefits of getting a butt lift include:

  1. It is a perfect remedy for flat, sagging, or uneven butt.
  2. It creates superb curves.
  3. It delivers a more youthful and attractive look.
  4. It produces a more balanced, proportionate look.
  5. It reduces fat in other body areas when liposuction is part of the procedure.

Standard BBL vs. Non-Surgical Mini BBL

There are two broad options for enhancing the buttocks through the Brazilian Butt Lift: Standard Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and non-surgical mini Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL).

With the standard BBL, you undergo a simple, minimally-invasive surgery that involves fat transfer to augment the buttocks and achieve results that last years or even decades. But with the non-surgical mini BBL, you go through a more subtle, non-invasive procedure.

So how do the two options compare?

  1. Standard Brazilian Butt Lift

A Standard Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a fat transfer procedure where fat harvested by liposuction from an area of the body with excess fat is processed for purity then injected into the butt. It is an alternative to implant-based butt augmentation, which increases butt size using silicone implants.

Standard BBL uses fat from the love handles, waist, back, hips, or thighs. Once harvested, the fat is centrifuged and filtered to separate it from blood and other non-fat materials. The processed fat cells are kept in syringes and then carefully injected at various levels into the buttocks.

Like with other fat transfer procedures, not all the injected fat cells survive. But the ones that survive produce a permanent result, creating a rounder, more voluptuous bottom. Plus, it has the added advantage of making the area where fat is obtained slimmer, tighter, and well-toned.

There will be some pain and recovery time involved after a standard BBL. Even so, the pain is easily managed using pain medication. As for the recovery time, you’ll need at least 10-14 days off work. Adequate recovery time is critical for lasting results. Follow the simple instructions your plastic surgeon will give you regarding what to do and what to avoid after the procedure.

Results of the standard BBL are apparent as soon as swelling, bruising, and soreness are gone. But it usually takes 3-6 months for the full results to set in and be fully visible. And if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, your buttocks will remain as shapely as ever for at least 10 years.

  1. Non-surgical Mini Brazilian Butt Lift

Non-surgical Brazilian Butt Lift is a cosmetic treatment that enhances buttock shape and size through injectable dermal fillers. It is a subtle lift that does not create more dramatic changes, but it can produce a more rounded, lifted, attractive butt.

In performing non-surgical butt enhancement, there are several safe and effective options.

Some of the most common options are:

  1. Sculptra

This dermal filler is one of the most effective in creating immediate, striking, and long-term results. The FDA-approved, injectable poly-L-lactic acid filler works by stimulating natural collagen production deep within skin layers, resulting in plump and firm buttocks.

A non-surgical mini BBL with Sculptra is completed as an outpatient procedure that takes one hour or less to perform. However, you may need several appointments to achieve your desired butt size. Once the treatments are completed, the results last up to 3 years.

  1. SculpSure

SculpSure is a proprietary device used to remove volume from areas you don’t want it to be, which in turn maximizes volume in areas you want it to be. The non-invasive body contouring butt lift procedure is done in a series of 25-minute treatments with results evident after 6-12 weeks.

  1. Radiesse

The use of Radiesse dermal filler is a rapid and effective sculpting procedure that reduces cellulite while increasing butt volume. It is performed in treatments spaced out every 4 weeks. Results are seen after the first 2 treatments and are long-lasting, seen for up to 5 years. As opposed to SculpSure, it does not reduce fatty deposits.

  1. Renuva and EZGEL

Renuva and EZGEL non-surgical mini BBL blends two different dermal fillers to achieve desired curvier buttocks. Both Renuva and EZGEL contain crucial growth factors that restore lost butt volume and enhance skin quality.

EZGEL is made by obtaining and spinning your own blood. Renuva is a product that contains collagen, growth factors, and proteins found in body fat. When the two are combined, they work together to create a more voluminous bottom while improving skin texture and tone.

  1. Vacuum therapy

Vacuum therapy is the suctioning of skin and fat from the buttocks in order to achieve desired volume and shape. The therapy involves the use of suctioning and ultrasound waves to break down fatty deposits, increase blood flow, and stimulate elastin and collagen production. The result is a firmer, rounder butt with less cellulite.

Standard BBL vs. Non-surgical Mini BBL: Which one is right for you?

None of the options suits everyone. While a standard BBL may be ideal for one person, non-surgical mini BBL may be perfect for another person.

For example, a standard Brazilian Butt Lift is ideal if you have a significant amount of sagging that needs surgery to remove the excess loose skin. It is also appropriate if you are looking for more dramatic results, want a significant increase in buttock size, or want results that last more than 5 years.

In contrast, non-surgical mini BBL is right for you if you don’t want to undergo surgery or if you don’t have sufficient fat required for a standard BBL.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we treat you as a unique individual. So before you make the decision regarding the type of BBL to undergo, we encourage you to come for an in-person consultation.

During the consultation session, Dr. Effie Politis will explain the options and help you make the choice depending on the degree to which you want to enhance your buttocks. She has a reputation for excellence, unmatched surgical skills, and remarkable warmth, compassion, and dedication.

If you’re ready to enhance your buttocks and want treatment that will produce the results you expect, whether by standard BBL or non-surgical BBL, book your consultation today.

For more information on Brazilian butt lift, visit the site “Politis Plastic Surgery.”


What is Forever Young BBL?

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Forever Young BBL is a non-surgical, laser therapy that can be used to address signs of skin aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, and pigmentation issues like age spots and melasma. 
  2. The laser energy penetrates deep into the skin, stimulating the body to naturally regenerate healthy, new skin. 
  3. It is a fast, easy, and natural treatment with no needles or knives that delivers immediate and long-lasting results, with no downtime required.”

As your skin changes with age, it becomes thinner, loses fat, and becomes dry, rough, and itchy. It also loses elastin and collagen, becomes slack, and hangs loosely. Plus, it becomes more fragile, easily bruised, and prone to skin lesions, age spots, wrinkles, and fine lines.

Are you struggling with signs of aging skin and would like to restore a clearer, smoother skin complexion in a natural, non-surgical way?

If so, then Forever Young BBL is a perfect option for you.

What is Forever Young BBL?

It is an innovative, non-surgical rejuvenation procedure that uses the Sciton Joule BroadBand Light (BBL) System to deliver laser therapy. The laser energy penetrates deep into the skin surface, where it changes the expression of genes linked to aging and stimulates the body to naturally regenerate healthy, new skin.

Forever Young BroadBand Light (BBL) has the double benefit of stimulating the skin’s ability to reverse existing damage and to prevent occurrence of new damage. The procedure can be used to revive skin of the face, chest, neck, arms, back of the hands, and other parts of the body. It addresses some of the most common patient skin concerns, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines.

How does Forever Young BBL work?

Forever Young BroadBand Light (BBL) produces and directs mild light energy to the upper layers of the skin. The laser energy is absorbed by skin cells, which are in turn stimulated to produce new collagen and elastin fibers.

With more collagen and elastin being produced, the natural beauty of the skin is restored, making the skin appear naturally toned, even, and smooth, glowing, and rejuvenated.

Also, the photo-thermal energy eliminates fine blood vessels responsible for redness, and reduces excess melanin that causes pigmentation changes and discoloration.

During the procedure, your eyes are protected with special glasses or shields. Then, laser energy from the machine is directed to the treated areas of the face. You’ll feel some warmth or a slight burning sensation as the light is absorbed by the skin. The procedure takes 30-45 minutes, depending on the treatment area. Local anesthesia is not necessary, but anesthetic cream may need to be applied on the more sensitive areas.

What are the benefits of Forever Young BBL?

  1. It is a fast, easy, non-invasive procedure that uses the power of light to penetrate layers of the skin and destroy damaged or unwanted cells—no needles or knives.
  2. It gives immediate and dramatic results that last 10 years or longer.
  3. It is a natural, chemical-free treatment that stimulates the skin to protect and heal itself without drugs and chemicals.
  4. It triggers production of elastin and collagen, which restore skin structure, strength, and resilience, and brings back natural plumpness and tightness.
  5. It stimulates skin cell renewal, which in turn rejuvenates the skin, brightens tone, shrinks pores, and smoothes out wrinkles.
  6. It eradicates pigmentation problems by targeting and heating the source to the point of destruction, removing age spots, dark patches, rosy cheeks, freckles, redness, broken blood vessels, and melasma.
  7. It rids the skin of acne by neutralizing bacteria, clearing out pores, and controlling oil production.
  8. It permanently eliminates unwanted hair by destroying the follicles under the skin.
  9. It requires no anesthesia and has no downtime—only mild redness and dark spots may occur, which clear within a couple of days.
  10. It is an excellent preventive therapy that delays the signs of aging.

What can you expect after your Forever Young BBL treatment?

After treatment, you leave your doctor’s office with a mild red, flushed appearance, which goes away within a few hours. In the case of a highly pigmented skin, the treated pigmented areas may appear darker, but will brighten, fade, and flake off within 1-2 weeks.

You should be able to return to work, apply makeup, and resume your routine immediately after the procedure. Also, because your skin will be more sensitive to ultraviolet light, avoid direct exposure to the sun until the skin heals. Use sunscreen whenever you are outdoors.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we have a full line of treatments to help you achieve a more youthful appearance. We offer the Forever Young BroadBand Laser (BBL) treatment to address several facial concerns at once and deliver significant age-defying results and a clearer, more even complexion.

What is ERAS Protocol?

ERAS stands for Enhanced Recovery After Surgery.  

An ERAS protocol refers to a series of pathways designed to be followed to ensure improved patient experience before, during, and after surgery.  They are a bundle of evidence-based interventions that ensure more rapid surgical recovery, shorter length of hospital stay, greater patient satisfaction, and reduced cost of both open and minimally invasive surgeries.

In the last 10 years, ERAS has become increasingly popular in different surgical specialties as a means of ensuring faster recovery and reducing complication rates following surgical procedures.

The key elements of ERAS are patient education, patient optimization before admission, minimal fasting before anesthesia, multi-modal analgesia with the right use of opioids when indicated, return home soon after the procedure, and return to normal diet and activities usually the day after surgery.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we have made efforts to incorporate the tenets of ERAS in our reconstructive and aesthetic surgery operations during the last 5 years. And with  increased implementation, we have been able to achieve faster recoveries, minimized post-surgical pain, and a speedier return to day-to-day life.

How does the ERAS protocol work?

With the ERAS protocol, the medical team works together with you before surgery to learn about your medical history and pain tolerance. This enables the medical team to create a surgical care plan that includes strategies to minimize pain after surgery, speed up recovery, and reduce narcotic usage. 

By design, the ERAS interventions help to reduce negative experiences related to surgery. It includes a multi-modal approach to treatment of post-operative nausea and vomiting and to pain management. 

For instance, as a patient, you may be given a scopolamine patch prior to surgery to prevent nausea and vomiting. Then once under anesthesia, you are given additional medications through IV for enhanced management of nausea, including steroids and anti-nausea medications.

Pain management is approached in a similar manner. For example, you may be started with Tylenol (an anti-inflammatory drug), together with a neuro-modulator, before the surgery. Then while already under anesthesia, a long-acting local anesthetic may be given to help numb the surgical area. 

And so, by beginning anti-nausea and vomiting medication before surgery, these negative reactions are prevented. 

Also, by administering pain medication before surgery, there is reduced body response to pain and less need for anesthesia and narcotics after surgery. 

Therefore, when used, ERAS almost always results in less post-operative pain, nausea, and vomiting.  

It results in faster recoveries, though recoveries still depend on the type of procedure a patient undergoes. 

How is the ERAS protocol applied before surgery?

As part of ERAS protocol prior to surgery, the surgeon works with an anesthesiologist to determine and set the expectation of pain. 

Since not all patients experience pain in the same manner, setting pain expectations through pre-operative assessment of the patient helps to tell how much pain the patient will experience and how to minimize it.

According to ERAS principles, the surgeon has to discuss with you how you generally tolerate pain, how you recovered from previous surgeries, and how you see yourself recovering from the impending operation.  This helps the team to set your pain expectations. Then, after setting your pain expectations, the medical team will provide you with a blend of non-opioid medications that target how your nerves function. 

A critical part of ERAS before surgery is educating you about what to expect and how to prepare. That’s because educating and preparing you for surgery reduces fear and apprehension. 

 It also helps to optimize your diet and exercise routine, to stop smoking for at least 1 month before surgery, reach a BMI of less than 30, and abstain from alcohol.All of these  are steps that reduce the risk of complications after surgery.

How is the ERAS protocol applied during and after surgery?

As part of ERAS protocols, you are provided with medications to reduce nausea and vomiting during surgery. 

A local anesthesia and a pain-relieving technique are applied to numb the area where the procedure is performed. The result is a blockage of nerves associated with the area from activating, which results in minimal discomfort during surgery.

After surgery, you will receive medications similar to the ones used before surgery to control pain. The drugs continue to keep the nerves associated with the surgical site from firing strongly. 

Nevertheless, since pain tolerance differs from one person to another, there will be a need for continuous communication between you and your plastic surgeon regarding the pain. 

Be sure to speak with your doctor when you have concerns and make sure to attend follow-up appointments.

ERAS protocols and the management of pain

One of the key pillars of ERAS is eliminating opioid medications in pain management—due to increased deaths caused by opioid overdosing. So plastic surgeons that follow the protocol avoid prescribing opioids to patients unless it is entirely necessary based on pre-operative assessment, pain expectation, and pain tolerance. Surgeons use alternatives to opioids, such as local anesthesia and non-narcotic medication. 

In case you decide that it is necessary to take opioid medication for pain tolerance after plastic surgery, your plastic surgeon will inform you of the possible side effects and the appropriate dosage you should take. It is advisable that you speak with your doctor about anything you are not sure regarding prescribed pain medications.

Safe, quick-recovery plastic surgery

While pain is part of any plastic surgery procedure, the ERAS protocol helps to significantly reduce the amount of pain experienced.  

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we follow the ERAS principles to develop effective pain management plans and minimize complications related to surgery. We have embedded the ERAS protocol as a standard model of care in our practice.  

We continuously refine our interventions and measure our outcomes to ensure we achieve the highest standards of care. We are proud that the protocol has helped us achieve more rapid surgical recovery, shorter hospital stays, enhanced patient satisfaction, and reduced costs of care. 

For more information on plastic and reconstructive surgery procedures, contact us.

The Benefits of Combining Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

Facial cosmetic surgery: Benefits of having more than one procedure at the same time

Having more than one facial cosmetic surgery at the same time is not only convenient but for many increases overall satisfaction and improves results. 

Combining two or more procedures guarantees all the problematic issues are addressed simultaneously. There will be fewer issues left unresolved, which delivers a better outcome. 

 What are the benefits of combining facial rejuvenation procedures?

  1. Delivers more transformative results

Combining facial rejuvenation procedures addresses multiple areas of the face and neck produces more dramatic results. 

For example, when a facelift is blended with an eyelid or brow lift, the surgery can produce a more balanced and proportional face. In this combined procedure, the facelift treats the lower and middle regions of the neck and face, while the eyelid surgery or brow lift procedure rejuvenates the eyes. 

Another example is combining chin augmentation with rhinoplasty to balance the proportions of the chin and nose. Since the nose is usually a primary area of focus on the face, having it in proportion with the chin ensures a more attractive, aesthetically-pleasing face. 

In this combined procedure,  rhinoplasty is the more complex part.  It needs to be performed in a safe manner and  must also be done to address both its cosmetic and functional aspects.  When done by a doctor who has perfected the techniques and steps involved and by using general anesthesia, it delivers amazing results and comes with the shortest and most comfortable recovery process. 

With chin augmentation synthetic implant or dermal fillers are used. There are multiple shapes and sizes of chin implants, allowing plastic surgeons to match the augmented chin to the operated nose, delivering  more elegant results.

  1. Comprehensive anti-aging remedy

When struggling with aging, a blend of surgical procedures can help address both minor and advanced signs of aging, such as deep creases, jowl formation, and hollowing in the mid-face. Though a single procedure can be effective, combining procedures gives even better results. 

For instance, combining a facelift with facial fat grafting restores youthful volume in the mid-face and other key locations.  It also removes redundant skin to create a more vibrant, youthful-looking face. 

Combined with fat grafting, it can make the results of a facelift last longer while producing  firmer skin. 

Another combination is using laser technology alongside Botox to produce comprehensive anti-aging results in a single treatment session. 

A laser technology, such as CoolPeel or CO2 laser resurfacing, can be used to address fine lines, facial wrinkles, enlarged pores, irregular skin texture, brown spots, mild skin laxity, and other pigmentation irregularities.

Botox injected as a neuro-modulator can help  minimize dynamic wrinkles that usually appear around the eyes and on the forehead. By relaxing the facial muscles, Botox helps to smooth out wrinkles. 

The laser and Botox combination can be done without anesthesia or downtime and with results that are fully evident within about one week. Of course, the laser component of the treatment may require sessions spaced across 4 weeks apart to ensure the best possible results.

  1. Eliminates a wide range of irregularities at once

For patients who desire to accentuate a firmer facial appearance with full skin rejuvenation, a combination of procedures can help create  smooth, radiant skin.

 A combination of a facelift with a chemical peel can help eliminate facial irregularities and boost appearance. 

A chemical peel is a wonderful addition as it helps fully exfoliate the skin   for optimal rejuvenation. 

And because the patient is already asleep for the facelift, a deep chemical peel can be comfortably performed to eliminate lines and wrinkles, pigmentation irregularities, uneven skin texture, and tone. 

With a chemical peel, such as trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peel, applied alongside a surgical facelift, the deep peel would help to remove the outer layers of the skin in order to reveal the smoother, softer skin beneath. 

About one week of flaking and peeling follows the treatment before a dramatic improvement of the overall skin is achieved. 

  1. A single recovery time and less downtime

With combined facial cosmetic surgery, only a block of time is needed for consultation and recovery instead of having to schedule multiple surgeries with different recovery periods. This allows a patient to undergo one surgery and recover from all the procedures simultaneously. 

Of course, the single recovery period may be a little longer than needed to recover from a single procedure, but ultimately the recovery period is much shorter than when you undergo each procedure and its recovery period separately.

  1. Saves money and reduces complications

When multiple cosmetic surgery procedures are combined there are reduced financial implications, including saving money on repeat consultation sessions, operating room costs, and expenses related to anesthesia. 

Combining the procedures means many fees are paid only once, saving money in the process.

, When implemented as a single surgery with a single round of anesthesia, there are reduced risks of infection and adverse reactions to anesthesia.

Safe, effective facial cosmetic surgery

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we offer a wide range of cosmetic enhancements to help you look your best at  every stage of your life. With our array of choices, including surgical, nonsurgical, and many aesthetic enhancements, and our ability to combine them efficiently and effectively, we are able to deliver natural, beautiful results for our patients. 

Schedule your consultation today to find out how we can tailor a safe and effective combined cosmetic surgery treatment plan for you.