Breast Augmentation With 24-hour Rapid Recovery Method

Here’s a before and after of a primary breast augmentation with 24-hour rapid recovery method. When I was training in my residency at USF, Dr. Tebbetts and Dr. Adams, who pioneered the method, lectured and performed hands-on training demonstrating this method. The 24-hour rapid recovery breast augmentation is a procedure that relies on process oriented steps that maximizes planning, minimizes tissue damage and allows patients to get back on their feet in as little as a few hours after waking up from anesthesia. The recovery time is minimal because the procedure involves no bleeding, minimal tissue damage, and is very gentle and precise. It allows the patient to continue with regular life by that very same evening or the next day. Heavy exercise and intense work should be avoided initially; however, patients are encouraged to get moving right away. Patients who have undergone the 24-hour breast augmentation procedure can manage any lingering pain with over-the-counter painkillers. Will be talking more about this on another Instagram live talk soon. Stay tuned for the annoucement! Have a great week ahead!.

What is 24 Hour Breast Augmentation?

You want to enhance your feelings of attractiveness and positive self-image and you think your small or asymmetrical breasts aren’t helping. You might like to surgically augment your breasts, but you don’t have time for a prolonged recovery period. Besides, you fear the pain and discomfort associated with breast augmentation.

Is this you?

If so, the 24-hour rapid recovery breast augmentation is perfect for you.

The 24-hour recovery breast augmentation is an innovative plastic surgery technique that uses precise and gentle systematic changes with electrocautery forceps to increase breast size. With maximized planning, minimized tissue damage, reduced bacterial load and shorter recovery time, the procedure enables patients to get back on their feet within a few hours of waking up from anesthesia.

Without complications, you can be at work the next day. There are no drainage tubes and no bulky, post-operative dressings—no bands and no massaging of breasts. You may go shopping, out to dinner or dancing soon after the operation. In fact, movement begins right after surgery with arm exercises, walking and showering that night.

Advantages over traditional breast augmentation

Unlike traditional breast augmentation surgery with its fairly large incisions, the 24-hour technique involves making small cuts in strategic locations. This enables patients to return to their normal lives within a day. The traditional procedure results in considerable downtime and soreness, with the first 24-48 hours after surgery involving pain, discomfort and bandages for as long as 10 days, during which time patients are not able to return to work or strenuous daily activities around the house.

In contrast, the new 24-hour technique expedites healing, reduces pain and discomfort to a minimum, and allows you to return to your daily activities faster than ever before. And while those who undergo traditional breast augmentation often require potentially dangerous narcotic pain killers, those who undergo this amazing new technique can usually manage any lingering pain with over-the-counter pain medicine.

Fewer side effects

Recovery after this new surgical technique takes just 24 hours, allowing you to return to regular life the same evening or the next day. The recovery time is shorter because the procedure is gentle and precise with minimal tissue damage and no bleeding.

Our team at Politis Plastic Surgery uses every tool and technique at our disposal to reduce inflammation, bruising and tissue trauma. Our patients often return to work the day after the procedure, although they may do so wearing special support bras for a few days after surgery. Heavy exercise and intense work is avoided initially, but patients are encouraged to start moving right away.

There is minimal post-operation pain with this procedure. Most patients require only over-the-counter pain medication to achieve normal comfort. Also, post-operative bleeding is rare and there are far fewer reported cases of bleeding, capsular contracture, or shifting of the implant.

Who is a candidate for 24-hour breast augmentation?

Like every surgical procedure, some patients are better suited for it than others. Even though the fast recovery time is appealing, the mini-incision approach does not work for every woman who wishes to enhance her bust line. The right candidate for the procedure is a relatively healthy individual with a healthy body weight. If you are a candidate for traditional breast augmentation then you are likely also a candidate for this procedure. During your consultation with Dr. Effie Politis, you will explore your goals and look at the enhancements you wish to achieve. Your body type and other factors may determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the mini-incision approach.

Innovative procedure, amazing results

24-hour breast augmentation surgery is a safe and effective way to achieve an enhanced figure and boost self-esteem. Almost all patients who undergo the procedure can return to regular activities, lift normal objects and drive a car within 24 hours after the operation, without drains, bandages or narcotic medications. And most patients are able to raise their arms above their heads immediately after the surgery.

The decision to undergo breast augmentation should be personal and well-informed. You should not undergo this surgery to please someone else. By consulting Dr. Effie Politis, you can make an informed decision as to whether the 24-hour rapid recovery technique meets your individual goals and suits your body. She applies advanced techniques and is committed to helping patients experience the maximum benefits of the procedure faster and more comfortably.

If you are interested in breast augmentation but concerned about the long recovery period associated with the traditional procedure, meet with Dr. Effie Politis for a consultation about the 24-hour rapid recovery technique. For more information on breast augmentation and other plastic surgery procedures, visit the Politis Plastic Surgery website.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

One of the most popular and frequently performed aesthetic surgery procedures, breast augmentation has a long and successful track record in satisfying women who wish to enhance, regain or restore balance to their figures. Breast augmentation surgery increases or restores breast size using silicone implants, saline implants or in some cases, fat transfer.

When to Consider Breast Augmentation.

  • If you want a better proportioned or more appealing figure
  • If you wish your clothes fit better
  • If you believe you might gain self-confidence or self-esteem from such a procedure
  • When pregnancy, weight loss or aging has affected the size and shape of your breasts
  • To restore symmetry if one of your breasts is smaller than the other (Source: The Aesthetic Society) .
Are you looking into getting this procedure sometime in the future? Make sure to contact a board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Effie Politis is here for you. She brings both skill and a personalized approach to the care of her plastic surgery patients. She is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and The Aesthetic Society, as well as a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. . Book an appointment, or contact us for any inquiry. Call us at (813) 542-2587.

Rhinoplasty: What to Expect

Your nose is at the center of your face. It lets in the oxygen to energize your body. But that doesn’t mean you have to like the way it looks or functions. If your nose is deformed after an injury or has a birth defect or makes it hard for you to breathe, then you should opt for surgery to improve it—a procedure called rhinoplasty or nose job.

Why should you undergo nose surgery?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to change the size, shape or proportions of the nose. You may benefit from rhinoplasty if you have difficulty breathing through your nose. The surgery can change all of the structures of the nose, including the bone, cartilage and skin, or remove any obstructions that may interfere with your exercise, sleep and other activities. It can resolve problems such as snoring and sleep apnea. The surgery may also repair a nasal deformity caused by injury, correct a birth defect, or improve the appearance of the nose.

Choosing the right plastic surgeon

If you are considering rhinoplasty, make sure to find a surgeon you feel comfortable with who is board-certified and licensed. It is advisable to find a specialist with a good reputation who regularly performs the procedure in an accredited facility or hospital.

When you speak with the surgeon, use that time to convey your expectations and goals and build a good rapport. Spend your consultation time finding out if nose surgery is appropriate for you and what it will help you achieve. You should also take your time looking at your surgeon’s before and after photos and ask for an simple explanation of what happens during the surgery.

Preparing for the surgery

There is no one size fits all when dealing with noses. To guarantee satisfactory results, your surgeon will consider your other facial features, the skin on your nose and the aspects you would like to change. Your doctor will take photographs of multiple views of your face and these photos will be retouched to give you a clear picture of what your nose might look like after the procedure. With the evaluation and consultation complete, the surgeon will develop a customized plan for you.

How is rhinoplasty done?

Surgical rhinoplasty is done under general anesthesia. A small incision is made along the base of the nose and then connected to other incisions made inside the nose. Through the incisions, the surgeon has access to cartilage and bones of the nose in order to reshape and improve the nasal passageway.

A new and emerging trend in rhinoplasty is a non-surgical technique which uses fillers and neurotoxins to change the shape and contours of the face. This technique can be applied to achieve drastic changes to the nose, correct a large nose by reductive surgery, improve breathing difficulties, and boost overall appearance. The advantages of non-surgical rhinoplasty are that it is less expensive, less time-consuming, less painful, and gives non-permanent results.

No hospital stay

Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure so you will go home the same day. You will leave the hospital with a small cast on your nose to protect it and reduce swelling. Splints (bendable, thin plastic sheets) placed inside your nose will keep the septum straight, and two rubber tubes inside the nose provide support. The splints and cast are removed during your first post-operative visit, usually 5-7 days after surgery.

After removal of splints and cast, you can return to work or resume cardio exercise, such as running or walking, and should be back to normal activities and routines within two weeks while avoiding contact sports for up to six weeks.

Recovery after surgery

Expect to take at least a week off to recuperate. Typical recovery time is two weeks, though full recovery occurs after 6-8 weeks. There are usually no revisions within the first year. During the first two weeks or so, you will need ice and a regimen of nasal cleaning. While pain medications are provided, you may only need them for a few days. During your initial consultation at Politis Plastic Surgery, Dr. Effie Politis will provide you with a plan that will yield the results you want.

Great results

The slight changes made to the structure of your nose can make a huge difference in how your nose looks and functions. Your nose can be made smaller or narrower, with nostrils reshaped, the bridge made straighter, and the airway obstruction removed. And of course, most of the time, an experienced surgeon can get results both of you are satisfied with.

If you feel that you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty, whether surgical or non-surgical, please call Dr. Effie Politis for a consultation. For more information on rhinoplasty and other plastic surgery services, visit the Politis Plastic Surgery website.

Corrective Surgery for Breast Implant Rupture

This pleasant 46 year old female presented with right breast capsular contracture and pain related to rupture of her textured round implant placed by another surgeon 10 years ago.

Notice the deformity in the device likely leading to malfunction (pocket dissection likely didn’t accommodate implant).

She had the device removed and replaced with a smooth round cohesive implant and enjoyed our 24-hour fast track recovery, which starts preop with our enhanced recovery protocols, meticulous and stepwise surgical execution of exchange and postop recovery protocol.

She was able to get back to her rigorous training schedule (with some limitations) in 24 hours.

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What you need to know about your liposuction recovery

Have you tried getting rid of stubborn pockets of fat in your belly? Are you frustrated by barely noticeable results after months of exercise and dieting? If so, then liposuction—an outpatient cosmetic procedure—can offer a fast and effective solution to your dilemma.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that removes excess fat from a localized area of the body. A thin, hollow tube called a “cannula” is inserted through incisions made in the surgical site and used to loosen the excess fat and suction it via a vacuum or cannula-attached syringe.

Who can undergo the procedure?

You can be a candidate for the procedure if you have overall good health, have one or more areas of excess fat that do not respond to diet or exercise, and are within 30% of your ideal weight. Liposuction is not a substitute for losing weight or exercising. The goal is to remove stubborn pockets of fat to make your body appear slimmer and contoured.

What are the prerequisites of a successful liposuction?

While highly safe and effective, liposuction involves surgical incisions and comes with a downtime and recovery period. Hence, it requires preparation in order to recover properly and achieve the desired results.

The most critical aspect of this procedure is consulting a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in liposuction. A skilled surgeon will offer an individualized consultation, align your aesthetic goals to what the surgery can do, help you understand the potential results, and guide you in making an informed decision. She will also help you understand what you should expect during and after surgery, which will make your recovery process easier and faster.

You should have realistic expectations of what liposuction will help you achieve before you undergo the procedure. Liposuction can be superbly transformative when used to achieve specific aesthetic objectives, but much less so for those with unclear goals. This is why it is important to share your objectives and expectations with your surgeon and have them evaluated to ascertain the feasibility of the procedure in helping you achieve them.

Also, you should know that the recovery process after liposuction varies from person to person. In fact, factors such as your age, prior medical history and overall health will determine how quickly you recover. What you do in the period leading up to the surgery—weight loss, healthy diet and quitting smoking—will also affect your recovery. So speak with your surgeon, understand the procedure and how to prepare for it, understand the recovery process, and then allow your body to heal at its own pace.

What should you expect soon after surgery?

Liposuction is an outpatient procedure. You should expect to go home the same day. However, if a large amount of fat is to be removed, you may be required to stay in the hospital overnight to be closely observed.

Immediately after surgery, you will be placed in a compression garment that was custom-designed and fitted for you before the procedure. Then you will be moved to the recovery room for observation and then discharge an hour or two after the procedure.

While you are in the recovery room, your response to the surgery will be monitored. Your vital signs will be checked, including oxygen levels and blood pressure and any signs of dizziness and nausea. If all signs are good, you may return home.

You should have the following supplies ready for you at home:

  • Pain medication
  • Soda crackers for nausea
  • Bottled water
  • Comfortable, loose clothing
  • Dark towels to place on your car seat to absorb leaking fluids
  • Pillows for comfortable rest

Regardless of whether you stay overnight in the hospital, you will need someone to drive you home. The residual effects of anesthesia and pain medication make driving unsafe.

What happens the first 3 days after liposuction?

On the first day, you will have compression garments or elastic bandages wrapped around the surgical sites to help reduce swelling and contour your body to its new shape. Be sure to wear them diligently.

During the first 24 hours, you can expect some fluid to discharge from the liposuction incisions. This is a common occurrence and no need for concern. You may also have small drains placed at the surgical areas to minimize fluid buildup around the incisions. If you have drains, your surgeon will explain how to care for them.

You can expect to have moderate pain and soreness during the first few days of your recovery. If your surgeon prescribes pain medication, follow your medication schedule closely. The pain should begin to lessen within 48 hours.

Be sure to limit your activity during recovery. While the compression garments will restrict your movements, it is up to you to limit physical activity whenever possible. Get some help around the house for this early part of your recovery, particularly if you take care of young children.

What should you expect during the first and second weeks after surgery?

During the first five days following your procedure, your compression garments stay on 24 hours a day. Move your body every two hours to prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce swelling, and then rest and drink plenty of fluids. You should avoid showering and bathing—give yourself a sponge bath and wash your hair over a sink.

After day 5 and for the next 9 days, you can remove the compression garment when showering. Light exercise, like stretching or showering, can now be part of your routine.

You can expect a massive reduction in pain and soreness a week or two after your procedure, which means you will probably be able to return to work by the second week. If you have a physically demanding job, you may need more time off to fully recover. Meanwhile, you still need to wear your compression garments.

What happens between week 3 and week 5?

One month after liposuction, you will most likely feel no pain or soreness at all. Slight swelling is normal and can take months to subside completely. As the swelling and bruising continue to heal, the results from the surgery improve. By the week 4, you can resume light exercise while still avoiding strenuous or heavy activity. At this point in the recovery process, compression garments are only required for 12 hours a day.

What should you expect week 6 and beyond?

The sixth week usually marks the end of bruising and swelling, though some swelling may linger for a while. You will no longer need the compression garments and you may enjoy unrestricted activity levels unless your doctor orders otherwise. By week 6, you are free to enjoy the full scope of results from your surgery.

What should you do to speed up your recovery?

Recovery should not be rushed, but you can take certain actions to speed up your body’s natural healing process:

1. Eat healthy

Proper healing requires good nutrition even if you are completely healthy when you undergo liposuction. Eat well, eat regularly, and include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to reduce inflammation. Protein will aid healing and maintain lean muscle mass. It is a good idea to prepare some healthy meals before your surgery since you won’t be able to cook the first few days after liposuction.

2. Stay hydrated

Hydration is essential for faster recovery, so drink plenty of water after your surgery. For variety, try infusing the water with fresh fruit. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day.

3. Get enough rest

Take it easy on your body and get plenty of rest during the first few weeks after your surgery. Proper rest and sleep will speed up your healing.

4. Walk regularly

Though strenuous exercise is not advisable during recovery, light movement will actually speed up your healing. During the first few days, exercise without increasing your heart rate and take short walks to keep yourself moving without straining your body.

5. Reduce salt

Keep your salt intake low because excess salt will increase water retention in your body and promote swelling.

6. Avoid tight waistbands

Tight waistbands and belts will slow down the drainage of fluids from the body, increase swelling, and slow down the healing process. Avoid waistbands and belts until swelling and bruising are reduced to the point where you feel comfortable wearing them.

7. Ask for help

Before the procedure, recruit a family member or friend to help you with activities such as caring for young children, cleaning or running errands. Trying to perform these activities yourself after the surgery will wear you down and prolong the recovery period.

Liposuction is a great way to boost your confidence and make you feel happier with your appearance. At Politis Plastic Surgery, our experience has shown that patients who know what to expect during and after the procedure usually have the smoothest and fastest recoveries.

Do you have more questions about liposuction recovery? Call (813) 542-2587 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Effie Politis. As a board-certified plastic surgeon who regularly performs liposuction, Dr. Politis will be happy to speak with you about how to achieve a slimmer, more contoured body. For more information about liposuction and other cosmetic surgery procedures, visit the Politis Plastic Surgery website.

What you do before liposuction really matters

Liposuction is a versatile, safe and effective method of removing unwanted fat cells that do not respond to diet and exercise. For excellent results with the procedure, you need a knowledgeable and experienced surgeon, realistic expectations and overall good health. And what you do before the surgery will determine the results.Like every surgery, liposuction is a serious procedure that may come with unwanted complications. Before you opt for the procedure, you have to be sure it is right for you and, more importantly, prepare properly to get your desired results.

How should you prepare for liposuction?

1. Achieve your ideal weight months before the procedure.

Liposuction is neither a substitute for weight loss nor a remedy for future weight gain, and it is based on your current weight and body contours. Therefore, it is best to be at your ideal stable weight at the time of surgery to avoid seeing the results from liposuction erased when your weight cycles up again.

Exercise and a nutritious diet will help you achieve a healthy stable weight and make your body ready for recovery after liposuction. Ask your plastic surgeon to help you with diet and lifestyle changes that can enable you to achieve your ideal weight several months before the procedure.

2. Build your muscles.

Liposuction removes stubborn fat and often reveals underlying muscles in the area where it is performed. In some cases, revealing these muscles by removing unwanted fat may lead to undesired body contours. It is necessary to build and tone muscles several months before the procedure to ensure the surgery delivers the appearance you desire.

Apart from helping you achieve the look you want soon after surgery, building your muscles will also enhance your strength and speed up healing.

3. Change your diet.

Diet is critical as you prepare for liposuction. An appropriate diet will boost your health and enhance the elasticity of your skin, enabling you to heal faster after surgery and achieve desired results. In preparing for your surgery, drink plenty of water and eat foods that are high in antioxidants. The foods you should target include:

  • Squashes, like zucchini and pumpkin
  • Berries, including blackberries, blueberries and acai
  • Healthy oils, like walnut oil and olive oil
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Cucumber
  • Celery
  • Spices, including turmeric and cinnamon

4. Quit smoking.

Plastic surgery is an extremely delicate procedure and anything that can sabotage the results should be avoided. Since nicotine restricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow throughout the body, you should avoid smoking.

By quitting smoking, you will enjoy improved blood flow, more oxygen transport to your tissues, reduced risk of developing blood clots, accelerated healing of wounds and reduced tissue scarring and tissue death. You will also reduce the risk for complications and enhance your recovery process.

It is best to stop smoking permanently. But if you can’t, then you should stop at least one month before your procedure and only resume after you are healed.

5. Make your home ready.

For a comfortable and speedy recovery, you should prepare your home in advance for the recovery period. Recovery after liposuction does not take long, but your home should allow for the rest and relaxation you will need. Ask your plastic surgeon for suggestions on how to equip your home for your recovery period.

Generally, you can prepare your home by:

  • Putting essential items near your bed for easy reach.
  • Getting longer charge cords for electronic devices.
  • Re-organizing your wardrobe to make comfortable clothes easier to find.
  • Buying foods that are easier to prepare.
  • Making arrangements for help with your children and pets.

6. Adjust your medication.

There are a number of over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs and supplements that may cause problems during liposuction surgery. They include drugs that inhibit blood clotting, cause excessive blood clotting or interfere with anesthesia. Generally, you should avoid taking blood thinners, aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements at least three weeks before surgery.

It is important to discuss medications with your doctor for specific instructions. After this discussion with your plastic surgeon, you may be taken off certain medications temporarily or instructed to take extra precautions against potential side effects during surgery.

Remember: Never to stop taking your prescription medications unless advised to do so by your surgeon.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we give you the opportunity to have your liposuction done in an accredited facility by a surgeon who performs the procedure regularly. We believe that as a patient, you play a critical role in achieving lasting results from the surgery. These tips are intended to give you the best possible starting point for recovery and the most desirable and enduring results.

If you have specific questions or concerns, you can arrange for a private consultation with Dr. Effie Politis. For more information about liposuction and other plastic surgery procedures, visit the Politis Plastic Surgery website.

Facial Rejuvenation

Dr. Effie Politis - Facial RejuvenationBothered by creases between your eyes? Or by the “angry” look your face has turned into? You can smooth out the troublesome area between your eyes and eliminate wrinkles on your forehead and around your eyes through facial rejuvenation using the neurotoxin called Botox. The use of Botox has revolutionized facial rejuvenation as injections can be safely and rapidly delivered to wipe out wrinkles without surgery.

What is Botox?

Botox is a special, non-harmful neurotoxin (neuro-modulator) used to temporarily paralyze the small facial muscles that contribute to wrinkle formation. The primary ingredient is the extract of botulinum protein derived from the bacterium, Clostridium botulinum.

Botox is just one of the brands of neurotoxins used in facial rejuvenation—the other brands approved by the FDA are Dysport and Xeomin. All the brands work in the same way by targeting specific muscles to make them more rejuvenated.

Interestingly, Botox can be used for both upper and lower face rejuvenation. For the upper face, Botox is approved for injection into the Glabella (frown) lines and the lateral orbital lines (Crow’s feet). The Glabella lines are found between the eyebrows, and tend to give a tired angry appearance. In the lower face, Botox helps address corners of the mouth and flattened upper lips.

Botox has been a success in another area as well: patients with gummy smile. The neurotoxin is injected deeper into the muscles under the nose, leading to relaxation of these muscles and elimination of the smile. While this treatment is a little more invasive, it offers good outcomes.

Who needs Botox therapy?

You may see a doctor for Botox injection when:

  1. In the lower part of your face, the corners of your mouth are riddled with peri-oral wrinkles that appear in a sunbeam pattern of lines.
  2. In the area between your eyebrows, you have frown lines that appear as two or three vertical wrinkles, making your face to look serious and severe.
  3. You have Crow’s feet, which are fine lines that emerge from the corner of the eye to the temple.

The ideal candidates for Botox are people of all ages, who are generally healthy, and very transparent with their providers to avoid any possible complications.

When talking to your plastic surgeon, be open and honest about:

  • Any chronic medical conditions you may have.
  • Any medications you are currently taking.
  • Any supplements you are taking, including herbal and over-the-counter ones.
  • Any allergies you may have.
  • Any history of frequent cold sores, edema or conditions that may affect the treatment.

How is Botox therapy done?

What patients seem to like about Botox is that there is no downtime. It is done in the doctor’s office and takes 5-15 minutes. Using a micro-needle, a small amount of the neurotoxin is injected into the specific facial muscles responsible for the creation of facial lines and wrinkles. The pain associated with the injection is minimal and short-lasting.

The most commonly targeted areas are the forehead and outer eye area, with 1-3 injections delivered to every muscle. Once in the muscle, the neuro-modulator causes relaxation and allows the skin to remodel and the lines to fade over time. With proper injection of adequate quantities of the neurotoxin, anatomic structures such as eyebrows get delicately shaped to achieve improved appearance.

Although Botox is a minimally invasive procedure, it should still be done by a skilled, experienced board-certified surgeon such as Dr. Effie Politis. Working with a plastic surgeon who frequently administers neuro-modulators will help you achieve your treatment goals and expectations.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, each and every patient is treated by Dr, Politis because her knowledge of facial anatomy and broad experience give her the ability to customize treatment that suits the needs of a patient. Doing so also enables her to provide patients with the safety and precision necessary for remarkable results. Rest assured that Botox and the other neuro-modulators on the market are all FDA approved, safe and have been used for years for other medical conditions.

Delightful results

Following Botox injection, you will notice the fine lines and superficial wrinkles disappear or decrease altogether within a couple of days. Results are apparent in 1-2 weeks and last 3-4 months after a single treatment. The neurotoxin also reduces signs of aging and premature wrinkles. 

When the effects start to wear off, you can return for a re-injection. You can have your re-injections done every 6 months, but 4 months is better.

In summary, for a successful Botox therapy:

  • Have it done by a licensed, board-certified physician.
  • Be medically transparent with your provider.
  • Prepare by avoiding blood thinners and blood thinning medications.
  • Have realistic expectations that are in line with your provider’s assessment.

If you have additional questions and concerns about Botox, schedule a consultation with Dr. Effie Politis at (813) 542-2587. For more information about facial rejuvenation procedures, visit the Politis Plastic Surgery website.

Why Face-Aging Selfie Apps Encourage Healthy Skin Behaviors in Teens

You need some sun exposure. We all do. When your skin is exposed to the sun, your body is able to make Vitamin D, which in turn helps with calcium absorption for stronger and healthier bones. But it only takes a short amount of time in the sun to make the Vitamin D you need, and too much exposure can be dangerous. In fact, excessive unprotected exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin damage, immune system suppression, eye damage and skin cancer.

Sun exposure and skin cancer

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer before reaching 70 years of age. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, every year almost 7,000 people die of melanoma, the most severe form of skin cancer. Up to 90-percent of melanomas are related to UV exposure–specifically with severe sunburns–and are therefore highly preventable. Fortunately, daily sunscreen use is effective in preventing sunburns and skin cancer.

Low sunscreen use among teens

Why Face-Aging Selfie Apps Encourage Healthy Skin Behaviors in TeensA lot of unprotected overexposure to the sun occurs during childhood and teenage years. Because skin cancer is associated with cumulative UV exposure and sunburns early in life, the lack of protective behavior among teens is a major contributing factor to the cancer. For many teens, skin tanning is perceived as attractive and future problems such as skin atrophy and melanoma are seen as quite far away, encouraging unhealthy sunbathing behavior. Tanning damages skin cells, speeds up visible signs of aging and may lead to skin cancer, even in people in their twenties.

Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 can protect the skin against both UVA and UVB rays. Those who learn to apply generous amounts of sunscreen on their skin every day can prevent skin cancer. Sadly, only about 15% of teens apply sunscreen regularly, just roughly 26% perform skin self-exams, and more than 19% use artificial tanning products. Promoting sunscreen use among children and teens while discouraging risky behaviors is therefore an effective approach to preventing skin cancer.

Face-aging app as an appearance-based intervention

Studies with adolescents and young adults indicate that appearance-based interventions are more effective than classic health education approaches in encouraging regular sunscreen use and healthy skin behaviors. Among teens, self-perceived attractiveness has a strong influence on self-esteem and is the primary motivation for tanning. This is why appearance-based interventions are ideal for promoting positive skin behaviors among the young. In fact, appearance-based face-aging interventions have already provided better outcomes for young people in other areas, such as tobacco use prevention.

One such appearance-based intervention is the face-aging app. With these apps, teens are able to witness ultraviolet (UV) radiation-induced facial aging firsthand. Face-aging apps show the effects of UV on the skin in general and on skin cancer development in particular, thus creating photo-aged selfies with sagging skin, spots, wrinkle formation, and malignant skin lesions.

The apps work by having the users take front-facing close-up pictures of their faces and then selecting skin tones from graded options. Users can then see simulated images of how they would look after being aged 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 years into the future based on skin type. The users are also able to see how the images would differ if they used or did not use sun protection or underwent weekly tanning.

The simulated images give users varying degrees of wrinkles, spots, discoloration, loss of volume, age, as well as showing pre-cancerous and cancerous spots on the face. These face-aging apps include a feature that indicates how skin cancer risks increase with different skin practices and while providing useful information about sun protection.

Great results with face-aging apps

Snapping selfies (self-taken photos) and using filters to modify them is a popular teen activity. App-based interventions engage teens with familiar technology and show them how their faces can age due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun or from tanning beds.

And while UV photography can be effective in monitoring sun damage, it is very expensive. This makes a free mobile face-aging app—available in Google Play, Apple’s App Store or other platforms—a cost-effective alternative and a fun intervention for skin-protection strategies.

Face-aging apps have been proven effective in changing habits to reduce UV exposure in children and adolescents. According to a JAMA Dermatology study conducted by a multinational team of researchers to assess the potential benefits of apps as educational tools (among nearly 1,600 students in grades 9 through 12 in southeastern Brazil) the results were remarkable. For example, students shown how to use a freely available mobile face-aging app had a daily use of sunscreen increase from 15% to 23%.

The study also demonstrated that overall use of sunscreen increased by roughly 50% among teens who used the app. It helped to achieve almost double the percentage of teens who performed at least one skin self-exam, while also reducing youth engagement in other risky skin behaviors.

Working with a plastic surgeon

A plastic surgeon can help you and your loved ones improve your skin care routine and prevent skin problems. Plastic surgeons such as Dr. Effie Politis are increasingly integrating new technologies in their practice to boost positive outcomes. Tools such as face-aging apps are being embraced by physicians to educate patients about sun exposure, preventing skin problems and reducing the risk of skin cancer. 

If you have questions about your skin, skin care and encouraging healthy skin behavior, speak with Dr. Effie Politis for expert guidance. For more information on plastic surgery and appearance enhancing services, visit the Politis Plastic Surgery website.


What is Eyelid Surgery

The eyes are the windows of the soul. But with age, eyelids stretch and the muscles supporting them weaken. In my practice, I often meet patients who come in for face rejuvenation that involves the eyes. 

Drooping lids and bags under the eyes make the face appear tired, angry or sad. Apart from making you look older, sagging skin around your eyes can reduce your side vision (peripheral vision), particularly the upper and outer parts of your field of vision.

Are you considering eyelid surgery?

Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) is a popular procedure for both men and women. I mostly perform it on patients between the ages of 30 and 70 who have excess eyelid skin that causes a “tired” appearance. You are an ideal candidate for blepharoplasty if you are a healthy individual aged 30 years or older and have realistic expectations about eyelid surgery. Younger patients may undergo the procedure if they have a family history of baggy lower eyelids.

Before you can undergo blepharoplasty, you will need a consultation with a plastic surgeon. During the session, the surgeon will evaluate and discuss your expectations, goals and concerns. She will also take your medical history, examine your eyes and eyelids, and take you through the available surgical options, including their risks and complications. 

Why should you undergo blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery is conducted on the upper or lower eyelids and involves an eyelid lift with selective fat removal. The surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia in an outpatient setting with no overnight hospital stay. The goal is to remove excess eyelid skin which can produce a “hooding” effect that may interfere with vision, address slight drooping of the eyelids, or treat bags and dark circles under the eyes.

With upper lid blepharoplasty, you can expect an incision just above your eyelashes, over the upper lid, and leaving a fold above the eye for an area to apply makeup. For the lower lids, the incision will be hidden underneath the eyelashes to provide a nice contour. The key to this surgery is being conservative and doing only what is necessary.

Although frequently done for aesthetic reasons, you can have the procedure for functional reasons. For instance, you might consider eyelid surgery if droopy eyelids are keeping your eyes from opening completely or pulling down your lower eyelids. Removing excess tissue in your upper eyelids can improve your vision and, at the same time, make your eyes look younger and more alert.

Blepharoplasty is for you if you have:

  • Baggy or droopy upper eyelids
  • Baggy or droopy brow (brow ptosis)
  • Excess skin in the upper eyelids that interferes with peripheral vision
  • Bags under your eyes
  • Excess skin on the lower eyelids

Eyelid surgery can performed at the same time as another procedure, such as face-lift, brow-lift or skin re-surfacing.

What risks are involved?

Blepharoplasty is generally well tolerated by patients. Successful operations done by an experienced plastic surgeon will enhance the appearance of the eye area, producing a more youthful and rested look. However, it is considered a major surgery, so you should think carefully about your specific expectations and goals.

Complications are rare, but after the operation you can expect some swelling and bruising that lasts about 2 to 6 weeks. An over-resection of the upper eyelid skin can result in dry eye symptoms if the eyes do not close correctly. In some cases, over-resection of the lower eyelid skin occurs, leading to ectropion, an inversion of the lower lid that causes irritation. Also, undergoing both upper and lower eyelid surgery can cause unwanted changes in the lateral corners of the eyes.

Satisfying results

Blepharoplasty rejuvenates the upper and lower eyelids through the removal or repositioning of excess skin and fat. It gets rid of loose or sagging skin folds that create a heavy eyelid, eradicates excess fatty deposits, and eliminates the puffiness around the eyelids that create bags under the eyes. The final result is a more relaxed, refreshed and youthful appearance. When surgery is done for functional reasons, patients are usually able to see better when driving or reading at night.

You may schedule a consultation with me by calling (813) 542-2587. For more information on face rejuvenation, eyelid surgery and other plastic surgery procedures, visit the Politis Plastic Surgery website.