Politis Plastic Surgery

(813) 542 - 2587

20-Year Old Implant, Capsular Contracture

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These implants were placed in the sub-glandular condition, which has a higher incidence of capsular contracture. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I performed a change of plane and placed him in a partial submuscular position and supported the lower pole with GalaFLEX scaffold (P4HB). ⁣⁣

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    5016 West Cypress Street, Suite 200, Tampa, FL 33607 | (813) 542-2587
    There is a $100 consultation fee that the office of Dr. Effie Politis will collect at the time of scheduling in order to secure a date & time for the appointment. If you choose to move forward with booking surgery after you have your consultation with Dr. Effie, that $100 will be applied towards the cost of your surgery.