We’re able to offer quite a few services now under local anesthesia whereas we used to do all of these under general anesthesia.
Continue readingWhat is Tummy Tuck?
Tummy Tucks are one of our most popular procedures so most of the patients are candidates for abdominoplasty or tummy tucks.
Continue readingCan you fix breast asymmetry?
Key takeaways
- Breast asymmetry refers to when one breast is visibly different in shape or size from the other. It can cause self-consciousness and discomfort.
- The main ways to correct breast asymmetry are through breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, or a combination of any of these procedures. The chosen procedure depends on the type and severity of the asymmetry.
- At Politis Plastic Surgery, they help women feel more comfortable and confident by fixing severe and modest breast asymmetry, using a combination of procedures to achieve optimal results. They recommend speaking with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon to determine the best course of action for the individual.
You’ve noticed it. Your breasts aren’t similar in shape or size. One is bigger than the other. And you don’t like it. In fact, you are increasingly self-conscious and uncomfortable about it.
Well the truth is no two breasts can match perfectly. There are usually slight differences in size and shape, with one breast often being marginally larger than the other. Fortunately, the difference is usually small enough to overlook.
But when the asymmetry is more severe, embarrassing you, or making you self-conscious, you may need to undergo a procedure to correct the visibly uneven breasts. At Politis Plastic Surgery, we help women feel more comfortable and confident by fixing severe and modest breast asymmetry.
How is breast asymmetry corrected ?
Asymmetry is corrected through breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, or a combination of any of these procedures. The choice of procedure depends on the type and severity of the asymmetry.
Though the chosen procedure may be performed on only one breast, this is quite rare and done with more subtle degrees of asymmetry. In most cases, both breasts require surgery, particularly to address the amount of skin and location of the nipples.
(a) Breast augmentation
When one of your breasts is visibly smaller than the other, a surgeon will often recommend augmenting the smaller breast using saline or silicone implants.
During the procedure, the surgeon may opt to place breast implants in one or both breasts, depending on the severity of the asymmetry and your desired results. It is common to have the breast implant placed in the smaller breast to increase its size.
(b) Breast lift
For breast asymmetry that occurs as excessive sagging on one breast, a breast lift (mastopexy) may be the best option. Your surgeon will remove the sagging and excess skin from one breast and tighten it to give it a more symmetric shape and to support a firmer contour complimenting the other breast. The breast lift procedure is completed through several incision techniques but the choice of technique depends on your specific body.
(c) Breast reduction
When you desire to match your larger breast to your smaller one, your plastic surgeon may recommend breast reduction surgery. Excess breast tissue, skin, and fat are removed from the larger breast via excision or liposuction to reduce it to the size of the smaller breast, creating a contour closer in shape and size to the other breast. Breast reduction usually includes a breast lift, so the procedure may be done on both breasts even if there is only reduction on one side.
(d) Blending of procedures
Simply inserting implants under sagging skin may not give the lift you desire. And placing implants without removing excess, stretched skin may only result in larger, sagging breasts.
Likewise, when only a size boost is needed, in addition to firmer breasts, a breast lift alone may give disappointing results. A breast lift tends to work well for breasts that are fairly even in size and only unevenly shaped but often fails if the breasts are widely different in size.
So in many cases if your breast asymmetry is due to shrinkage, wide variation in size or massive difference in shape, your plastic surgeon will opt for a combination of breast lift, reduction, and augmentation to achieve optimal results. In fact, a breast lift combined with breast augmentation can work beautifully together to correct sagging, increase breast size, and yield shapelier, fuller breasts.
Are you unhappy with your asymmetric breasts? Would you like to fix the asymmetry but aren’t sure about the right procedure? Contact Politis Plastic Surgery today to speak with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who fixes breast asymmetry on a regular basis.
Dr. Effie Politis will give you candid honest recommendations on whether a breast lift, breast augmentation, or a combination of procedures will give you the best results for breast asymmetry. She will also customize the procedure to meet your unique aesthetic goals ensuring you consider different looks and options before you make a decision. For more information on fixing breast asymmetry and other cosmetic issues, visit the site “Politis Plastic Surgery”.
- “Breast Asymmetry: Causes, Treatment, and More.” Healthline, healthline.com/health/breast-asymmetry
- “Breast Asymmetry.” Top Doctors, topdoctors.co.uk/medical-dictionary/breast-asymmetry
Working with Dr. Effie Politis
I love Dr. Politis, I think she’s amazing, I think she truly cares about her patients and wants to do the right thing and the best thing for them, and sometimes the answer to that is that we don’t do surgery on you. We’re not out to take money it’s not, you know, we want to survive but we’re not going to take somebody’s money if we don’t think we can provide them with the outcome that they’re looking for or if we don’t feel like that’s the safest thing for them medically. I always tell people she’s a mom who happens to be a surgeon because I do feel like she puts her family, you know, as a high level of importance in her life. And I respect her for that as part of why I enjoy working with her because I’ve worked with physicians in the past that maybe didn’t put their family first and I think that we all should put our families first that’s what family’s for. I love working with her I feel like we understand each other there’s mutual respect she is comfortable with what I tell her and i’m very comfortable with the responses I get back from her so I feel like we, you know, work really well in that respect
Are Fillers Good for Your Face?
Key takeaways
- Dermal fillers are a popular option for restoring volume to the face and addressing concerns such as deep under-eye circles, thin lips, and wrinkles.
- There are several types of dermal fillers available, including those made from hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, poly-L-lactic acid and polymethylmethacrylate, each with their own unique properties and effects.
- To achieve the best results, it is important to consult with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who can help determine the best type of filler for a patient’s specific needs.
Are you thinking of ways to make your face look and feel younger? There are many ways to achieve this, but dermal fillers are an excellent option.
Dermal fillers are soft, gel-like substances injected beneath the skin to restore volume to the face. Dermal fillers can plump thin lips, soften facial wrinkles and creases, improve shallow contours, minimize the shadows of the lower lids, and boost the appearance of recessed scars.
Are fillers good for the face?
The answer is yes. When correctly employed, fillers are effective in addressing various concerns. For instance, fillers can help smooth deep under-eye circles, increase the volume of the lips, lift the cheekbones, smooth nasolabial folds, and relieve lip lines.
Most dermal fillers are made of natural substances already in the body, so the risks of adverse reactions are limited. When injected, they will feel natural under the skin.
Upon injection, the fillers give subtle and natural-looking results. Your face will not be dramatically changed if done with discretion and skill and you will not entirely look like a different person before treatment. Most people won’t even detect what you’ve done; they will only notice a refreshing and rejuvenated look on you.
The results from dermal fillers last long. In most cases, you will retain a youthful and gorgeous face for at least one year. Of course, you may need a quick touch-up appointment in 4-6 months following your initial appointment. It is in your best interest to maintain your filler results by scheduling your appointment before your fillers metabolize completely.
What are the major types of fillers?
- Hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers
These are soft and gel-like dermal fillers designed to work like the natural Hyaluronic Acid found in the skin. HA fillers help maintain plumpness and hydration and produce results that last 6-12 months or longer. The fillers are usually infused with lidocaine to reduce pain and discomfort with treatment.
- Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) dermal fillers
Like hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite is a natural substance found in the body, specifically in the bones. It has no adverse effects when injected. The CaHA fillers have calcium particles suspended in a smooth gel and last roughly 12 months after injection. They work by stimulating collagen production and are effective for deeper wrinkles and lines.
- Poly-L-lactic Acid fillers
Poly-L-Lactic acid is a safe, biodegradable synthetic substance. After injection, it stimulates collagen production, helping to smooth fine lines and allowing the skin to rebuild natural collagen.
The synthetic filler is effective in treating deep facial wrinkles, producing results that last more than two years. It is different from other fillers because it causes a gradual effect—the increase in volume occurs over several months as the filler stimulates the body to produce collagen.
- Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)
Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is another safe synthetic substance that produces remarkable results. Once injected, it forms a tiny ball that remains below the skin to provide continued support.
Fillers with PMMA stimulate collagen production ensures enhanced structure and firmness in the face.
PMMA fillers are semi-permanent and more durable than other more readily biodegradable fillers. But they have potential complications like forming lumps and being visible under the skin.
Achieving success with dermal fillers
Each type of filler has its pros and cons. To choose the right dermal filler for your face, you need the guidance of an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who understands facial anatomy and is familiar with a variety of available fillers and their injection techniques.
At Politis Plastic Surgery, we help our patients choose and apply the correct fillers to achieve their cosmetic goals.
To ensure the best possible outcome, Dr. Effie Politis will thoroughly evaluate your specific areas of concern, understand your goals, and review your expectations before, during, and after the procedure. She will also explain the fillers’ possible side effects and risks before the procedure.
With proper preparation and communication between you and your plastic surgeon, you will definitely achieve natural, beautiful, and safer results.
- “Dermal Fillers.” New Look Institute of Surgical & Medical Aesthetics, nsibr.com/dermal-fillers/
- “Injectable Fillers Guide.” American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, americanboardcosmeticsurgery.org/procedure-learning-center/non-surgical/injectable-fillers-guide/
- “Dermal Fillers.” American Society of Plastic Surgeons, plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/dermal-fillers/surgeon
Patient Communication is Important
“We absolutely treat our patients like we would expect to be treated if we were patients.” says Jamie Hill, RN of Politis Plastic Surgery
Continue readingWhat can you Expect at Your Plastic Surgery Consultation
When you come in and consult with us, it gives us the opportunity to really have a conversation with what you are looking for. Learn more from Jamie Hill, RN.
Continue readingWhat to Expect from Breast Implant Removal
Hi My name is Dr. Effie Politis with Politis Plastic Surgery. Breast Implant Surgery removal has been very popular lately, especially with all the social media concerns around this Breast Implant illness.
Continue reading6 Innovations to Know About From 2021’s Biggest Aesthetic Meeting
The year 2020 was like no other for the regenerative industry. With lockdowns imposed to curb the COVID-19 pandemic, cosmetic surgeons and clinics could not conduct procedures for months. Neither could plastic surgeons hold in-person meetings, spend time together, learn from each other, and share knowledge on innovative techniques.
But the demand for cosmetic treatments was never curtailed by the lockdowns. On the contrary, many Americans felt compelled to recommit to improving their appearance and wellbeing.
Unimpeded growth and popularity
When the lockdowns were lifted, the demand for cosmetic treatments skyrocketed, partly due to patients who had missed their appointments, but also because of many first-time patients interested in undergoing cosmetic enhancements. 2020 gave us the “Zoom Boom” and a rise in the demand for treatments.
The trend is set to continue in 2021, with millions of people in the United States reportedly interested in improving their appearance.
Takeaways from the 2021 Aesthetic Society Meeting
With the lockdowns lifted, the top aesthetic experts recently gathered in Miami for the 2021 Aesthetic Society Meeting—their first in-person conference since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the globe. The meeting provided doctors an opportunity to understand how each of them has coped with the pandemic, reflect on the positive changes they have implemented since the pandemic struck, and build on techniques that are working.
So what are the biggest takeaways from the conference? And what can prospective patients expect for the future of cosmetic surgery?
1. Combination therapies
The 2021 Aesthetic Society Meeting affirmed the combining of surgical and non-surgical technology as the future of plastic surgery. The doctors agreed that blending surgical and non-surgical techniques allows for more efficient treatment plans, ensures natural-appearing revitalization, improves the overall result, and minimizes bruising and swelling after surgery.
For instance, with the rise in global obsession with eliminating dark circles, enhancing cheekbones, uplifting eyebrows, reducing wrinkles, and overall smoothing of facial skin, the 2021 meeting asserted the need to make facial injections a core part of cosmetic therapy going forward.
So it was agreed that when developing personalized treatment plans, surgeons should couple invasive with non-invasive treatments. Mainly, they should consider dermal fillers and botulinum toxin type-A, which are among the most sought-after procedures.
The other non-invasive treatment that is going to be part of combined therapies moving forward is laser resurfacing. Lasers are a non-surgical add-on to plastic surgery procedures that already require a considerable recovery period, such as facelifts or eyelid surgery. Apart from enhancing the facelift result by boosting the texture of newly lifted skin, laser during surgery prevents extra downtime.
After surgery, most patients tend to stay out of sight for at least a week. Hence, adding deeper laser resurfacing, which leaves the skin red and raw, saving the patient from two rounds of downtime. Post-operation, they stay home and recover from both the surgery and the laser treatment simultaneously.
2. Fine-tuning of Rhinoplasty
The 2021 Aesthetic Society meeting recommended various techniques to enhance the outcomes of rhinoplasty. For example, the conference affirmed the value of frequent pairing of lip fillers and nose jobs.
When paired, tweaking the lip shape helps balance the new proportions of the face and gives better rhinoplasty results. Also, an injection around the mouth is quite painful, so doing it when the patient is under anesthesia helps prevent extra discomfort.
Another recommendation from the meeting is the preservation of the natural dorsum to reduce the nasal hump. The technique may not manage most noses, but it simplifies the rhinoplasty procedure in many minor or uncomplicated humps. And while the practice is more than a century old, it has recently been applied by only a few practitioners—hence why it was given prominence during the meeting to renew it.
3. Refining Botox technique
Botulinum toxin injections are always the number one non-invasive treatment. However, the existing brands have usually required retreatment every 3-4 months. There is a new toxin (doxibotulinum Toxin A), expected to get FDA approval in 2021, which promises a longer-lasting effect.
With this in mind, the 2021 Aesthetic Surgery Meeting encouraged surgeons to continue finding creative ways of coupling Botox and invasive cosmetic procedures. The experts considered the possibility of using topical Botox, but because the information on the technique is still inadequate, it was agreed that there is still a need for more data before implementing it.
4. Using fat grafting with other procedures
The conference recognized the increasing value of nano-fat grafting in combination with other procedures to boost volume. For instance, the meeting encouraged doing breast augmentation with breast implants and fat grafting.
Plus, fat grafting can be done as part of the facelift procedure. A good example is when treating festoons under the eyes—which cannot be corrected by traditional lower blepharoplasty or facelift alone—due to the need for mid-lifting.
5. Safety of breast implants
The 2021 Aesthetic Society Meeting discussed the issues facing breast implants, particularly breast implant illness and BIA-ALCL. The surgeons agreed on the need for excellent, well-designed research to deliver true, evidence-based answers to the questions on breast implant safety.
The conference acknowledged ongoing studies by leading surgeons and scientists around the world. It also encouraged plastic surgeons to continually use information from these studies to deliver safe, effective breast implant surgery.
6. Updated safety protocols post-pandemic
The meeting was an opportunity for surgeons to compare their safety protocols. The experts were able to look at various measures, including masks for staff, patients, and visitors, facility cleaning and disinfection, hand sanitizer usage, screening of patients for COVID-19 symptoms, and visitor restrictions.
There were also discussions on special floor markings and furniture arrangements to encourage social distancing and keep patients with respiratory issues away from the rest.
The need to vaccinate all staff members and use e-visits and e-check-ins to limit exposure was highlighted. In the end, the conference affirmed the value of keeping some of the positive changes in place post-pandemic.
At Politis Plastic Surgery, we are proud of our unparalleled commitment to innovative cosmetic and restorative procedures. We have been ahead of the curve in using the latest technology and techniques and already offer the procedures highlighted during the 2021 Aesthetic Society Meeting.
Dr. Effie Politis and her extraordinary team offer safe, high-quality, and compassionate care. You can be confident that you will enjoy the best possible aesthetic outcomes from our unique blend of surgical and non-surgical treatments.
Dr. Effie Reacts to Chicago-Based Influencer’s Botched Botox
Last April, Chicago-based influencer and blogger, Whitney Buha, shared about an unfortunate experience with a cosmetic procedure gone wrong.
What exactly happened and what can be done about it?
I shared my thoughts about it in this quick video.
Also, I talked a little bit of what I do with regards to using Botox in my own practice.
What do you think about this incident? As a fellow plastic surgeon, as a patient, or as someone who is considering this procedure?