Working with Dr. Effie Politis

I love Dr. Politis, I think she’s amazing, I think she truly cares about her patients and wants to do the right thing and the best thing for them, and sometimes the answer to that is that we don’t do surgery on you. We’re not out to take money it’s not, you know, we want to survive but we’re not going to take somebody’s money if we don’t think we can provide them with the outcome that they’re looking for or if we don’t feel like that’s the safest thing for them medically. I always tell people she’s a mom who happens to be a surgeon because I do feel like she puts her family, you know, as a high level of importance in her life. And I respect her for that as part of why I enjoy working with her because I’ve worked with physicians in the past that maybe didn’t put their family first and I think that we all should put our families first that’s what family’s for. I love working with her I feel like we understand each other there’s mutual respect she is comfortable with what I tell her and i’m very comfortable with the responses I get back from her so I feel like we, you know, work really well in that respect

Are Fillers Good for Your Face?

Key takeaways

  • Dermal fillers are a popular option for restoring volume to the face and addressing concerns such as deep under-eye circles, thin lips, and wrinkles.
  • There are several types of dermal fillers available, including those made from hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, poly-L-lactic acid and polymethylmethacrylate, each with their own unique properties and effects.
  • To achieve the best results, it is important to consult with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who can help determine the best type of filler for a patient’s specific needs.

Are you thinking of ways to make your face look and feel younger? There are many ways to achieve this, but dermal fillers are an excellent option. 

Dermal fillers are soft, gel-like substances injected beneath the skin to restore volume to the face. Dermal fillers can plump thin lips, soften facial wrinkles and creases, improve shallow contours, minimize the shadows of the lower lids, and boost the appearance of recessed scars.

Are fillers good for the face?

The answer is yes. When correctly employed, fillers are effective in addressing various concerns. For instance, fillers can help smooth deep under-eye circles, increase the volume of the lips, lift the cheekbones, smooth nasolabial folds, and relieve lip lines.

Most dermal fillers are made of natural substances already in the body, so the risks of adverse reactions are limited. When injected, they will feel natural under the skin.

Upon injection, the fillers give subtle and natural-looking results. Your face will not be dramatically changed if done with discretion and skill and you will not entirely look like a different person before treatment. Most people won’t even detect what you’ve done; they will only notice a refreshing and rejuvenated look on you.

The results from dermal fillers last long. In most cases, you will retain a youthful and gorgeous face for at least one year. Of course, you may need a quick touch-up appointment in 4-6 months following your initial appointment. It is in your best interest to maintain your filler results by scheduling your appointment before your fillers metabolize completely.

What are the major types of fillers?

  1. Hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers

These are soft and gel-like dermal fillers designed to work like the natural Hyaluronic Acid found in the skin. HA fillers help maintain plumpness and hydration and produce results that last 6-12 months or longer. The fillers are usually infused with lidocaine to reduce pain and discomfort with treatment.

  1. Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) dermal fillers

Like hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite is a natural substance found in the body, specifically in the bones. It has no adverse effects when injected. The CaHA fillers have calcium particles suspended in a smooth gel and last roughly 12 months after injection. They work by stimulating collagen production and are effective for deeper wrinkles and lines.

  1. Poly-L-lactic Acid fillers

Poly-L-Lactic acid is a safe, biodegradable synthetic substance. After injection, it stimulates collagen production, helping to smooth fine lines and allowing the skin to rebuild natural collagen.

The synthetic filler is effective in treating deep facial wrinkles, producing results that last more than two years. It is different from other fillers because it causes a gradual effect—the increase in volume occurs over several months as the filler stimulates the body to produce collagen.

  1. Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is another safe synthetic substance that produces remarkable results. Once injected, it forms a tiny ball that remains below the skin to provide continued support. 

Fillers with PMMA stimulate collagen production ensures enhanced structure and firmness in the face. 

PMMA fillers are semi-permanent and more durable than other more readily biodegradable fillers. But they have potential complications like forming lumps and being visible under the skin.

Achieving success with dermal fillers

Each type of filler has its pros and cons. To choose the right dermal filler for your face, you need the guidance of an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who understands facial anatomy and is familiar with a variety of available fillers and their injection techniques.

At Politis Plastic Surgery, we help our patients choose and apply the correct fillers to achieve their cosmetic goals. 

To ensure the best possible outcome, Dr. Effie Politis will thoroughly evaluate your specific areas of concern, understand your goals, and review your expectations before, during, and after the procedure. She will also explain the fillers’ possible side effects and risks before the procedure. 

With proper preparation and communication between you and your plastic surgeon, you will definitely achieve natural, beautiful, and safer results.
