Politis Plastic Surgery

(813) 542 - 2587

Before and After: Liquid Rhinoplasty and Lip Filler

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A post shared by Effie Politis, MD, FACS (@dreffiepolitis)

Our beautiful patient who underwent liquid rhinoplasty and lip filler. 💖⁣

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to change the size, shape, or proportions of the nose. You may benefit from rhinoplasty if you have difficulty breathing through your nose. The surgery can change all of the structures of the nose, including the bone, cartilage, and skin, or remove any obstructions that may interfere with your exercise, sleep, and other activities. It can resolve problems such as snoring and sleep apnea. The surgery may also repair a nasal deformity caused by injury, correct a birth defect, or improve the appearance of the nose. ⁣

To know more about what to expect in a rhinoplasty procedure, check out our blog. The link is in our bio! ⁣

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    5016 West Cypress Street, Suite 200, Tampa, FL 33607 | (813) 542-2587
    There is a $100 consultation fee that the office of Dr. Effie Politis will collect at the time of scheduling in order to secure a date & time for the appointment. If you choose to move forward with booking surgery after you have your consultation with Dr. Effie, that $100 will be applied towards the cost of your surgery.