Politis Plastic Surgery

Upper Lid Blepharoplasty

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A post shared by Effie Politis, MD, FACS (@dreffiepolitis)

One of our wonderful patients that underwent the upper lid blepharoplasty procedure under local anesthesia. ⁣

Blepharoplasty rejuvenates the upper and lower eyelids through the removal or repositioning of excess skin and fat. It gets rid of loose or sagging skin folds that create a heavy eyelid, eradicates excess fatty deposits, and eliminates the puffiness around the eyelids that create bags under the eyes. The final result is a more relaxed, refreshed, and youthful appearance. When surgery is done for functional reasons, patients are usually able to see better when driving or reading at night.⁣

For more info on this procedure, we have it posted on our website, and you can check it out. The link is in our bio.

Find Our Clinic

Effie Politis, MD

Effie Politis, MD, FACS of Politis Plastic Surgery brings both skill and a personalized approach to the care of her plastic surgery patients. She is board certified by
the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

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    4602 N Armenia Ave, Suite 201, Tampa, FL 33603 | (813) 542-2587
    There is a $150 consultation fee that the office of Dr. Effie Politis will collect at the time of scheduling in order to secure a date & time for the appointment. If you choose to move forward with booking surgery after you have your consultation with Dr. Effie, that $150 will be applied towards the cost of your surgery.