With CaHa biostimulator called Radiesse.
It works by placing calcium hydroxyapatite microspheres in an organic vehicle or carrier which provides both volume replacement and collagen biostimulation creating long-lasting improvements for >18 months resulting in tighter and more elastic skin with increased skin thickness.
This is like bone putty and works really well for building up the posterior jaw given we lose skeletal support to our facial buttresses each decade. This leads to loss of soft tissue support and descent inferiorly.
Unfortunately, many injectors are performing this on people of all ages given its popularity on social media which can also masculinize the jaw when applied to the wrong patient.
As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I provide each patient with a customized beauty plan that best suits their needs and long term goals. This involves analyzing the face from top to bottom in thirds, and medial to lateral in fifths.
Our customized beauty plan ensures gradual improvement so patients look natural and refreshed.