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WHAT it is:

FaceTite is a cutting-edge minimally invasive treatment designed to reduce the appearance of the chin and jowl areas. This innovative technology allows patients to undergo an in-office treatment that delivers similar results to its surgical counterpart- A Facelift.

HOW it’s done:

FaceTite merges radiofrequency waves seamlessly with traditional liposuction. To start, Dr. Politis administers local anesthesia to the designated area, followed by a minimal incision. A small device, full with electrodes, is delicately inserted to release radiofrequency waves, while effectively liquefying fat cells. Simultaneously, a separate tube suctions away the now-liquefied fat. The radiofrequency aids in fat removal and the stimulating of collagen fibers beneath your skin.

WHAT to expect:

Although these effects are rare and temporary, redness and swelling may last up to 3 weeks and are a part of a normal reaction to the treatment.
Bruises occur in some people and last 1 to 2 weeks and are a normal reaction to the treatment.

Some patients report a burning sensation, tingling or a tightening sensation in the treatment area for up to 3 months.

Tiny scabs may appear during the healing process. Please do not pick at the scabs.

Burns and changes in pigmentation are rare although may occur. If you notice small white bumps, they may take a few weeks to resolve.

Tylenol and Ibuprofen may be alternated for pain control.


Stay awake with local anesthesia and happy pills.


The recovery time for FaceTite is 1-2 days with results lasting 1-5 years.

PRE-OP instructions:

Have a light breakfast 60-90 minutes prior to coming into the office.

Once you’re here, we’ll take photos and you’ll be given a cozy gown, an oral electrolyte, an antibiotic, anti-nausea medication, and a light oral sedative.

POST-OP instructions:

Treatment areas will have Dressings and/or a pressure garment to be removed in 24-48 hours.

Wound care: Let soapy water wash over the incision sites (do not scrub) then apply antibiotic ointment to the incision points twice daily for one week while the skin is healing after initially removing the pressure garment.

Cleanse the treated areas gently with mild soap such as Cetaphil or Cerave and water after 48 hours. Avoid drying or irritating facial products including Retinol and acids (Salicylic, Glycolic, etc.) for 3 weeks after the procedure.

Do not rub or irritate the area.
Limit physical activity and exposure to excessive heat (including fires) and UV light for 2 wks.

Sleep on several pillows or in a recliner to keep your head elevated for at least two to three days to help minimize swelling.

Minimize talking and chewing for 48 hours. We recommend following a soft diet for the first 48 hrs.

Make-up may be applied as soon as 72 hours after the procedure to cover any redness or bruising. Avoid the incision points that may still be healing.

Facial shaving should only be done with an electric razor for the first week.

Do NOT drink alcohol for several days as instructed by the doctor after this procedure.

Drinking alcohol can negatively affect healing and can cause thinning of the blood, bleeding, crusting and/or bruising.

Remember, although the skin has initially healed, it takes 3-6 months before any changes in skin tightening can be perceived AND twelve months before final results in skin tightening can be appreciated.

If you experience any questions or experience fever, chills, drainage, discharge, or extreme discomfort, please contact the office. If you are calling after hours, the answering service will page the doctor for you.

THE RESULTS are real

Zoom Neck Lift

53 years old

Zoom Neck Lift

56 years old

Lip Lift

60 years old

Lip Filler

25 years old

View more before and after results!

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